It's hard to believe, that I have been making progress... I just haven't been posting much
I installed the intermediate shaft and generally assembled things that already existed.
Here's a few shots of the cradle, trying to show some of the cradle mods required to install a NorthStar. The new crossmember is 2x3 rectangular tubing, IIRC 1/8" wall.
This ended up being a terrible photo, but it just shows the shim that came in the box with the urethane mount welded to the cradle on this flat spot
Old skool Rodney Dickman or WCF transmission mount
Not necessary to cut the entire engine mount tray
Rodney Dickman forward transmission mount
Can just barely see where the original cradle crossmember was
The (gross overkill) end treatment to support the remainder of the original crossmember
Forward engine mount just sits on top of the crossmember
Tiny car, huge engine
The only way to get a good photo of the intermediate shaft... and the flash shows off how shiny my engine still is!
OooOo0oops... I'll have to adjust the position of the oil pressure transducer
Temporarily removed the filter adapter to install this bolt. I usually don't like studs, but this is a decent candidate location for one.
I had previously been manhandling the built-from-scratch right rear engine mount bracket into place, but it didn't quite fit. This time I took the opportunity to "tune it up" so that it fit without any shenanigans.
Here's where it goes
[Insert photo of engine mount bracket here]
Weight of the complete powertrain and cradle
The back end of a Fiero weighs less than the cradle assembly that goes into it
(Don't think about the fact that the hitch is rated for 200# of tongue weight...
And I got the damned thing in place for a trial fit
The shift cable clears the MAF and coolant fill, which is good
Here's how much wire ended up in the cabin
A little oopsie on the hinge box clearance
Also did not have to cut quite as much from this angle as I did