Everyone, I have an announcement. This whole project is now called, "The Gold Rush Project", and my Fiero is now named "Gold Rush". Much thanks to batousai666 for the name idea. It is the start of a new beginning! See the updated first post of this Thread.
I am honored my friend. thank you. are you going to get a vanity plate?? i like mine.
$30 in MI, for one plate. $5 more for 2nd. one for the front. or in my case the garage wall. with the rest of my old plates.
you in Cleveland, ehh!? i spend alot of time DownTown at Peabodies DownUnder. at least 4 times a year. next time i am there, i will give you a shout. i wanna see the "GOLDRUSH" in action. again good choice, if i must say so, myself later Dan
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 03-31-2010).]
Not sure if anyone answered your ? about the power cable, but yes that is an OK setup. Def. need to get a solid block to chassis ground hooked up though, even if you get it started without one it will significantly improve things if you had one. Just my .02
Awww.......SNAP. You're in the Zone now! Congrats buddy! And I'm loving the name of the project. Hey, if you want a used overflow bottle, I have one on the parts car at my house right now. It's in pretty decent shape, and will work well until you buy a new one from the FS. If you want it, say the word and it's yours. I will even cover the shipping on it.
I have an update. Kinda. I Spent most of my time today re-doing the battery connections up front,as I really didn't like them before, its all good now. I tried to re-crimp the connector from the cable to the starter, I was getting really frustrated because I was working upside down, on my back, laying on rough concrete. It wasn't fun. But it worked enough to let me crank it over (which it did!) but it didn't start, it actually backfired a few times. Then the battery became too weak, so I charged it up, and tried again but I only got clicking this time again. In frustration, I climbed under the car, yanked and tugged at the wire, and it just fell apart. So I quit for the day, and tomorrow I will stop half-azzing myself and go buy the proper things I need, and solder the crap out of that stupid thing. Don't know why it backfired though, this is were I might need some help from you guys. What could be wrong? I can't set or change the timing, the computer does that now. Photobucket isn't working right now, thats too bad I have a video of the "cranking". Nothing really super exciting though.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-01-2010).]
I have an update. Kinda. I Spent most of my time today re-doing the battery connections up front,as I really didn't like them before, its all good now. I tried to re-crimp the connector from the cable to the starter, I was getting really frustrated because I was working upside down, on my back, laying on rough concrete, and it worked enough to let me crank it over (which it did!) but it didn't start, it actually backfired a few times. The the battery became too weak, so I charged it up, and tried again but I only got clicking this time again. In frustration, I climbed under the car, yanked and tugged at the wire, and it just fell apart. So I quit for the day, and tomorrow I will stop half-azzing myself and go buy the proper things I need, and solder the crap out of that stupid thing. Don't know why it backfired though, this is were I might need some help from you guys. What could be wrong? I can't set or change the timing, the computer does that now. Photobucket isn't working right now, thats too bad I have a video of the "cranking". Nothing really super exciting though.
I am not sure why it back fired. But at least you are close. Congrats!!
Once your done you can drive it out here and do a 3.4 swap in my 86 GT.
with the backfires, just check the basics again. Firing order ect...if its popping that means your getting fuel air and spark. Your not too far off i bet.
Yep, check your spark plug wires. I have found that the firing order in some manuals to be incorrect. Find a nice guide online and make sure your coils are firing the right plug.
Sigh. Well today, I soldered and shrink-wrapped the starter termial and all that jazz, but it still just clicks. I even "jump-started" it will my dad's truck, and it still clicks. I'm running out of ideas as too whats wrong. Edit: I mean like constant clicking while the key is in run, not one click.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-02-2010).]
see if it will turn over by hand. Pull all the plugs and make sure its not the engine. Did you put shims between the starter? I would proceed with caution. Pulling the plugs and a hand turn will tell you a lot (if it turns the problem lies somewhere in the starting system). Then remove the starter and take it to a auto parts store and have it tested. What gauge wire are you running from you bat? and do your have good grounds??
see if it will turn over by hand. Pull all the plugs and make sure its not the engine. Did you put shims between the starter? I would proceed with caution. Pulling the plugs and a hand turn will tell you a lot (if it turns the problem lies somewhere in the starting system). Then remove the starter and take it to a auto parts store and have it tested. What gauge wire are you running from you bat? and do your have good grounds??
Yes I can turn it over even with the plugs in. I think the starter is just not getting enough power.
If it clicks continuously, that usually means the starter solenoid isn't getting enough power. It usually happens when the battery is weak, or there's a bad connection. It would be a good idea to trace the solenoid wire (the smaller wire on the starter) and look for loose connections, or a short to ground.
[This message has been edited by Blacktree (edited 04-02-2010).]
Well got a step closer today. Found out the starter issue was that I needed another block to frame ground, as it cranks fine now. But it still isn't starting...SOOOOO close, it really wants to start, but it doesn't. Here is a video. Anyone know what the issue might be?
What were you pointing to in the engine bay at the end?
What's the fuel pressure? Did you try starting with starting fluid? like 02greens10 said above, that eliminates if it's a fuel problem. Are you getting spark? that's another easy check.
Did you have the car running before on the 7730 ECM?
Alright, I'll post the video's here, but I have a few things to say first.
The problem was, I had the wires going to the exact opposite plugs, and my friend (who I couldn't live without..he has helped me every step of the way. He is in the second video) pointed that out, and showed me on his Fiero. So then with the help of another battery, it started. Not very well at first, but it got better soon. Now I have good news and bad news.
Good news: It runs and sounds (cept for the exhaust leaks which i need to fix) great!! First few minutes it was at (or over a tiny bit) 80 PSI of oil pressure . Most of the stuff works, alternator, water pump, oil pump, rad. fan (coolant got warm!) RIch-lean guage works good, Injetors all seem to work. When i let i t idle after the break in, and revved it a lil bit, it sounds awesome, even with 2 nasty exhaust leaks.
Bad news: Eariler today I found out that the TV cable came loose inside the transmission, so I don't know what to do about that. and when I first got it started, i heard a gear grinding sound and my dad told my wheels were spinning...and the transmission was in park. I shut the car off, re-started it, no more grinding sounds and the wheels didn't move, so I thought thats good. Then I ran the engine for 20 mintues at 2500 RPM, then let it idle. After i started letting it idle, I shifted into reverse. Nothing. Drive, same thing. One, same thing!!! It was moving the shift lever, but nothing was happening! Wheels didn't move, engine RPM didn't change, nothing. So I thought oh great NOW WHAT?! I'm sick of 4T60 problems. If I have to drop the cradle again for this stupid automatic, I'm almost considering putting in a munie 4-speed back in it. And while running the engine I found out I had a few more fluid leaks then I thought at first. Mainly a trans line and the oil pump drive O-ring (common area of a oil leak.) Plus the Blue wire loom I have been using was melting near the exhaust. And my temp guage doesn't work.
More bad news then good it seems like, but oh well. Here are the videos.
BTW:It sounds like crap because its at 2500 RPM and it was too loud for the camera. I'll get another video if it idling later.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-04-2010).]
Congrats man! That is quite an achievement, ironing out the bugs should not be too bad.
I can't offer too much advice about the tranny, never had anything but manuals but I totally feel for the loom melting. I just redid all the wiring in my turbo car cause it was melting bad. I wrapped it in self stick reflective heat stuff and it appears to be working really well.
Good luck, You'll have her on the road in no time.
Yes I know the fluid is moving because one of my new lines is leaking.
where is it leaking from? When i swapped my engine the trans leaked like a mofo! I thought it was the axel seal so i replaced them. Then i realised it was a friggen hose clamp . You might want to try a little teflon tape around the threads.
Good news! The transmission does work, it moves in both reverse and drive just fine, I guess it just didn't want to work yesterday. The TV cable is still a problem, though. It idled at the beginning but later in the day it needed throttle to keep it running, or else it'll die. Found out that some things are too close to the exhaust. Plastic likes to melt. The headers take up a good bit of more room. I got code 35 and 43 from the computer, too. Great Oil pressure though, about 60 PSI when hot. So much so that the O-ring for the oil pump drive can't hold it all in, and has been leaking. Video:
Great job Matt! That sounds really good (or as good as it can sound on laptop speakers ). I am concerned about the tranny though. Grinding, not shifting, then all of a sudden working alright?
Great job Matt! That sounds really good (or as good as it can sound on laptop speakers ). I am concerned about the tranny though. Grinding, not shifting, then all of a sudden working alright?
No, I think its ok (or at least I hope). I have since asked my mom, and she said she thought she saw the wheels move on the first start up, I think it was just human error. I blame myself because I was in a rush because I needed to get ready to go to work ASAP.
EDIT: I just figured out why it was grinding on first start up. I didn't fill the torque converter so i tried to engage drive while it was still filling with fluid.
Tomorrow me and my dad are flying to Chicago for a few days to pick up my dad's new Fiero from Paul Vargus(sp). A 86 GT. I'm kinda mad too, because its Gold also.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-04-2010).]
I didn't fill the torque converter so i tried to engage drive while it was still filling with fluid.
Ahhh...I didn't even think of that, I took for granted that you filled it before you mated the engine and trans back together. And you blamed the 4T60. Shame on you.
Originally posted by mattwa:
Tomorrow me and my dad are flying to Chicago for a few days to pick up my dad's new Fiero from Paul Vargus(sp). A 86 GT. I'm kinda mad too, because its Gold also.
Good for him! Will you guys be building a swap for that one as well?
Good for him! Will you guys be building a swap for that one as well?
Ha, maybe. Just picked it up today, im here on a computer in a hotel in Chicago. It's in good shape, i'm jealous that it has ZERO rust. None. Zip. The floor pan drain plugs are spotless. It was a Flordia car, as you can tell with the Silver roof and Gold on the rest of the car. Needs a little work, not too much, its a strong runner, but I think the clutch pedal is bent, as it level with the brake pedal. The tilt pawls in the steering column are also loose. And a few other minor things. And I drove it! But there is a bad part about all this. I want a 4-speed manual now, that was so fun.
But back on topic, I ordered a ALDL cable and software so I can "Scan" the engine data so I can figure out why it's running so rich/idling bad. Getting closer! Oh, and today I met a famous guy in the Fiero world. Paul Vargyus. He is the guy who sold my dad his new Fiero.
And 60 PSI isn't bad for a semi-warm engine that's brand new.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-05-2010).]
Yeah, that man has one hell of a history in the Fiero world. How cool that your dad bought his car from him. I would have almost had him sign the dash like Carroll Shelby.
I feel your pain on the clutch pedal, my daughter's pedal is bent at the pivot point, and does not engage the clutch all of the way.