Matt, shoot me a PM about the steering wheel, I keep forgetting about it. Congrats on your relationship! Why dont you bring her down on a road trip, to pick up the decklid, hood, and a new set of wheels? I have a set in the mall for sale
Congratulations Matt, on the car and the new relationship. Are you still planning to hit Carlisle? If so, you and your dad are welcome to stay here and avoid the hotel costs. You'll have to sleep on couches, but it's better than Carlisle hotel rapes....err, I mean, rates.
Congratulations Matt, on the car and the new relationship. Are you still planning to hit Carlisle? If so, you and your dad are welcome to stay here and avoid the hotel costs. You'll have to sleep on couches, but it's better than Carlisle hotel rapes....err, I mean, rates.
Yea we are planning to go still. I wouldn't have a problem with sleeping on a couch but I'm not sure about my dad.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-27-2010).]
Hey guys, Im currently in Huntsville, AL, and my dad and I spent the day at the Fiero Factory Swap Meet. I had a great time there, talked to many people I already knew and meet some new people. It wasn't raining while we were there but it did rain eariler in the day so the ground was really muddy. Jeremy and his wife did a great job cleaning the place up, re-organizing it, and making it more presentable. Lots of cars there, as you know, and just as many parts. While I was there I bought a 120 MPH speedo and a "Holley" air inside scoop. Pulled it off the car myself. I'll be back home Monday night.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 05-05-2010).]
Update! Great weather here today, so I got a few things done. Yesterday, I bought some gorilla glue and glued my warped console door and my shifter piece back together. Had some issues with fitment since its been 11 months and some things have changed, but I think it all fit relatively well. One issue was out of the four screw holes in the plastic for the shifter console, only one was un-cracked. The driver side section completely broke off, so I had to use different screws to mount it a different way. I lost the two mounting screw holes for the rear center console when I put the 7730 computer in, but it will be fine. I really do need a new shifter console piece, its been through a lot and looks pretty bad now. I still need to cut holes in the cig. lighter trim plate for the FM modulator switch and connector. After that, I put the front wheels on, and lowered the car down for the first time in months. I bought new rear splash guards from Rodney Dickman, as mine are just totally destroyed. After that, I can put on the rear fender liners, adjust the tie-rods, and then re re-bleed the rear brakes, and hopefully put wheels on and take it for a test drive.
Update!! Today, I adjusted the tie-rods the best I could so I could get the alignment as close as possible (still way off though), and I decided it was time for a drive. so I put the back wheels on, and took it out on the street for a few blocks. Scariest drive of my life. With the engine that likes to stall at lower RPM's, the not working that well brakes, and the poor alignment, it made for a scary drive. Plus a nasty scraping and rubbing sound coming from the rear. And I only went like 10 MPH. Even so, I still saw bad marks in the tires from being off alignment so much. But, I wanted to do it, and I did. And it was worth it. The engine sounded great and the transmission shifted like its should (as far as I could tell...1st, 2nd, and reverse worked!)
Still need to do quite a bit, do something with the exhaust, install the new rear splash shields when they get here, and the rear fender liners. Plus a list of tiny stuff. I made a video after the drive, and I didn't want to do the drive over again, so i just moved it up the driveway. Excuse my dorkyness.
and some current pictures! and my Magnaflow muffler that hangs too low.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 05-06-2010).]
Matt, she's looking good, and I'm glad you got to take her out for a drive, no matter how short it was. I used to drive mine around the block here at my house just to get that fiero driving experience. I am completely jealous of your engine bay. I'm looking forward to seeing you, your dad, and your car in person at Carlisle. I'm proud of you!
I had a rubbing in the back and it turned out it was the backing plate/dust shield for the rear brake rotor. It was dented or something from when I had the wheel off so long and it rubbed on the rotor constantly making an awful noise.
I had a rubbing in the back and it turned out it was the backing plate/dust shield for the rear brake rotor. It was dented or something from when I had the wheel off so long and it rubbed on the rotor constantly making an awful noise.
Yea, I think that could be one of my noises. I'll check it when i bleed the brakes. Again.
I didn't do to much today, since it cold and wet outside, but I did install a "Holley" intake scoop I got from the Fiero Factory. Rare! I saw it on one of the Fiero's in the "junkyard" and pulled it myself and bought it. It was really faded so I painted it, still needs some touch up, but other then that it looks really good.
Well my fiero frustrated me today. I re-bleed the brakes the proper way with my dad, but they only seem marignly better. It still doesn't run right at all, I'm starting to think the exhaust might be part of it, who knows. Likes to stall out on me, too. I fixed the rubbing sound, but the loud scraping sound is still present, I think its coming from the driver rear wheel. While I was bleeding the brakes, I put on the 15" rims with older tires on the back, (looks better then the 14's), since the alignment is so off, I don't destroy my nearly new tires that were on the rear of the car.
hey Matt what did you scans show? Your exhaust should not cause a stall. If its going to closed loop then acting worse its more then likely a sensor failure or wire concern. Is it still puffing black smoke on occasion? If I was you to limit your aggravation with the car I would focus on the engine for now. Once its running move to the brakes so you don't stress out. Keep going your so close. If you get some data scans people on here should be able to help narrow down the running issues. Good luck man the boards here for you.
I have to agree with Tstang. I don't think it is the exhaust. I would check the wiring or sensors. Its very easy to get the wires in the wrong spot and the sensors could be bad after 20 some years. Keep up the good work! Your almost home.
Today, was my last day of high school, it is over! I am DONE!
Got my RD rear splash guards in the mail today, and I'm going to see a welder that was on craigslist tonight, i need one to finish my 2nd exhaust system (for emissions) and so I can fix the 1st.
Today, was my last day of high school, it is over! I am DONE!
Got my RD rear splash guards in the mail today, and I'm going to see a welder that was on craigslist tonight, i need one to finish my 2nd exhaust system (for emissions) and so I can fix the 1st.
Congratulation on your graduation, Matt! Unfortunately, I won't be able to be there, but as I said before, I'm proud of you. Any updates on your car?
Today I welded my "emissions friendly" exhaust system together, so I'll be able to install it tomorrow. Then I take some more scans from my engine and see whats going wrong. I can now also install my fender liners because I bought new splash guards from Rodney Dickman, my old ones were destroyed. While I'm at it, I'll see if re-bleeding will help again, but I think something is wrong with my driver rear caliper, that may be also the cause of my loud scrapping sound coming from that tire area. I'll re-do my 1st exhaust system, and put it back on if i want too after I get it's last E-check.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 05-24-2010).]
What a great accomplishment! Mattwa, you have the whole world ahead of you. Take hold of it, and make something of yourself. You have a lot to offer this planet.
Thanks, I'm glad I'm finally done with High School, after 12 years. I got a bunch of stuff done today on my Fiero, no pictures, but I'll get some tomorrow. I put my emissions friendly exhaust on the car today, and started it up for the first time since I pulled the other exhaust system off. I think it runs better! No, it does run better! It has that stock "Fiero sound" now too, which is quieter then it was and not as aggressive, but i don't care right now, It runs better! I re-bleed the back brakes a bit, and it helped a little bit, the brake light isn't constantly on anymore, just sometimes. I also installed my new RD rear splash guards and then the fender liners. Then I took it for another test drive, it did better then before! Still stalls out, and the brakes aren't perfect yet, but its better. The alignment is still WAY off on both sides, the tires were squealing the whole trip, even on a straight line. Which is why i have the 15's on the back with old tires, so I don't trash my new tires that were on the back. Engine is better, still runs too rich, and it doesn't rev past about 3500 RPM, it acts like that's the rev limiter. does that give anyone a clue as too whats wrong? And theres still a coolant leak around the water pump someplace that I need to fix. More tomorrow. Matt.
Thanks, I'm glad I'm finally done with High School, after 12 years. I got a bunch of stuff done today on my Fiero, no pictures, but I'll get some tomorrow. I put my emissions friendly exhaust on the car today, and started it up for the first time since I pulled the other exhaust system off. I think it runs better! No, it does run better! It has that stock "Fiero sound" now too, which is quieter then it was and not as aggressive, but i don't care right now, It runs better! I re-bleed the back brakes a bit, and it helped a little bit, the brake light isn't constantly on anymore, just sometimes. I also installed my new RD rear splash guards and then the fender liners. Then I took it for another test drive, it did better then before! Still stalls out, and the brakes aren't perfect yet, but its better. The alignment is still WAY off on both sides, the tires were squealing the whole trip, even on a straight line. Which is why i have the 15's on the back with old tires, so I don't trash my new tires that were on the back. Engine is better, still runs too rich, and it doesn't rev past about 3500 RPM, it acts like that's the rev limiter. does that give anyone a clue as too whats wrong? And theres still a coolant leak around the water pump someplace that I need to fix. More tomorrow. Matt.
Here is a picture I took today, of my exhaust system. I have the 15's on the rear only right now, only because the alignment is so bad, I don't want to to tear up my nearly new tires that are on my 14's. I will paint the 15's I have black with a polished lip, and use those, but not right now. The plan is to get an alignment tomorrow, and then take it to a shop that my dad knows really well to fix the issues it has, because in all honestly, It is past my current abilities as an almost 18 year old, I built it all and put it all together, but I'll let a professional put the finishing touches on it.
I have an update. Today I got my car aligned at Conrad's with one on my good friends who happens to work there did it for me. I was missing the two lock nuts between the inner and outer tie rod, so I had to get those. Drive's much better then it did before, very straight and true. Now, that the tires are correct, I can feel my new suspension is a lot firmer, and more solid feeling then before i started this whole thing. Poly bushings, and new suspension parts makes for a great ride. Now to work on the front, lol. Engine still has issues, I have that looked at Monday, I'm running out of time a little here. And guess what showed up while I was watching my car at conrads? One the local fiero guys, Scott, got the PFF QT Geocoin in the mail! He bought it up and took pictures with me, and my car. He Also took pictures of my dad, and my friend, Alex. Together, us four are the North Ridgeville Fiero Club! Lol! A 86 SE (mine), 86 GT (dad's), another 86 GT (Alex's) and Scott's 88 Formula. (not my pictures, these are his pictures, I take no credit for them)
lookin good matt. Let us know what they find be nice to hear what they find wrong with it. I can't wait to see that thing in person some time. You taking it out to the local car cruises? I know you have one in North RIdgeville.
Bad news. I heard from the mechanic today and he basically gave up trying to figure out the problem, he said he has a hard enough time finding the problems with the stock equipment, having different equipment from different cars makes it almost impossible, although he said he could spend hours and hours looking for the problem, and he still may not get anywhere. Plus he doesn't have all those hours right now either. But what I find out was 1. apparently the MAP sensor was unplugged, didn't really make a difference when it was plugged back in, and 2. When he hooked up his scanner to my computer, it showed nothing. Like, the connection to the computer was good, but all the sensors and readings showed 0. So, i drove it home, hooked my cable into it, and out of all the programs i downloaded, only free scan shows data, and I'm not sure if some of the data was even correct, it seemed to be. So, I need help, whats my problem? I was thinking my ECM might be bad, but how does it run (not run well, just run period) with a bad ECM? Could it be that the wires in the harness melted together where its too close to the exhaust?
Another problem is that the engine bay is getting REALLY hot, very quickly while its running, and I'm sure its the headers that I didn't coat or wrap. I should do one of those, but that would mean at the very least, dropping the front half of the cradle. And my transmission is still giving my issues, like if I'm going 30 and step on it, it doesn't seem to downshift, it just revs pretty high, and shakes the car.
So, I don't know what to do. I mean, I have an idea, but i don't know. And the worst part is, I got to get it ready/done in like 16 days for GM Carisle.
Bad news. I heard from the mechanic today and he basically gave up trying to figure out the problem, he said he has a hard enough time finding the problems with the stock equipment, having different equipment from different cars makes it almost impossible, although he said he could spend hours and hours looking for the problem, and he still may not get anywhere. Plus he doesn't have all those hours right now either. But what I find out was 1. apparently the MAP sensor was unplugged, didn't really make a difference when it was plugged back in, and 2. When he hooked up his scanner to my computer, it showed nothing. Like, the connection to the computer was good, but all the sensors and readings showed 0. So, i drove it home, hooked my cable into it, and out of all the programs i downloaded, only free scan shows data, and I'm not sure if some of the data was even correct, it seemed to be. So, I need help, whats my problem? I was thinking my ECM might be bad, but how does it run (not run well, just run period) with a bad ECM? Could it be that the wires in the harness melted together where its too close to the exhaust?
Another problem is that the engine bay is getting REALLY hot, very quickly while its running, and I'm sure its the headers that I didn't coat or wrap. I should do one of those, but that would mean at the very least, dropping the front half of the cradle. And my transmission is still giving my issues, like if I'm going 30 and step on it, it doesn't seem to downshift, it just revs pretty high, and shakes the car.
So, I don't know what to do. I mean, I have an idea, but i don't know. And the worst part is, I got to get it ready/done in like 16 days for GM Carisle.
Matt, if you need another 7730 ECM to test it out, I have one here on my shelf you can use to diagnose if your ECM is the problem. Shoot me a PM if you want and I will ship it out immediately. But, it will only be a loner, if it works you can use it as long as you need until you get around to getting another.
Matt, if you need another 7730 ECM to test it out, I have one here on my shelf you can use to diagnose if your ECM is the problem. Shoot me a PM if you want and I will ship it out immediately. But, it will only be a loner, if it works you can use it as long as you need until you get around to getting another.
Hey matt I think your best steping back to ground zero. Unplug your pcm grab a volt meter. One person in the car go to that terminal and then go to corresponding sensor location. This will be a place to start and make sure everything is wired right. Getting no data is a typical symptom to a missing ground. On a Crown Victoria loose your tps and the scan tool cant find the computer. It is a little time consuming but once you know all your wires are right then I would try a computer. I wouldn't try one first in case you got a bad feed and that is what fried yours if thats your issue. As far as how can a car run with a bad computer its easy looses one of its controllers and the thing goes into limp mode. I think all your issues are connected.
Hey matt I think your best steping back to ground zero. Unplug your pcm grab a volt meter. One person in the car go to that terminal and then go to corresponding sensor location. This will be a place to start and make sure everything is wired right. Getting no data is a typical symptom to a missing ground. On a Crown Victoria loose your tps and the scan tool cant find the computer. It is a little time consuming but once you know all your wires are right then I would try a computer. I wouldn't try one first in case you got a bad feed and that is what fried yours if thats your issue. As far as how can a car run with a bad computer its easy looses one of its controllers and the thing goes into limp mode. I think all your issues are connected.
Thanks, you made me feel better, that is the exact next thing I will do.