Here you go Curley. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, and I think that these pictures can explain a lot better than I ever could. If you have any questions or need any measurements just let me know.
------------------ Silver 87GT T-TOP White 85GT Black 88GT Black 88 Formula
Yes, thats the ticket! Thank you Coolcat. I never thought I'd say this, "I can't wait to get the junk yard." There should be a couple of Camero's out there w/wings since their not popular with the imports.
How much did you pay for yours? And thank you for the details (bolts holes, locations). However I'm gonna mold them-in w/the pisa kit thats been laying around collecting dust. My goal is too try and make it look smooth, non agressive, like the new baby Lambo. All of the current choptops have wings except the "Stinger."
Your verry welcome Curley, I paid $3500 for it . Actually it came w/ the car when I bought it. I wish I had built it that way I could give you a complete description . If I had made it I would have molded it onto the deck lid like you intend to do. I will eventually mold it on, but that’s going to be after I'm done w/ some other "secret" mods . Its kind of nice being able to remove it for now because I plan on taking a mold of it and selling them. The only draw back I can think of is its so damn heavy (about 17lbs) . I don't think that the Camaro wing will be more than they are around here (about $15) You will have to cut off a couple inches off the ends and build your own end caps, so it will conform to the contours of the Fiero. Other than that it should be a straightforward install. Hope this information helps. Please let me know when your other Fiero is done. I really want to see it.
------------------ Silver 87GT T-TOP White 85GT Black 88GT Black 88 Formula
Okay, power steering is in and running. Feels just like driving a Caddy, that "zings." Next stop...Lambo City. hehe. For now, Mr. Bizzard is in my way.
Some kids in Rie's class yesterday saw her looking at the pictures from our WCF gathering and one of them said "You know you can turn those into Ferraris." So she started showing off lots more of our pictures from the Coast Run and other gatherings... There are lots of 8th graders now looking for Fieros for their 1st car! When she finally showed them Curley's car, the deal was sealed! I told her to tell them to start saving! {Maybe that'll be a good source for me to finally sell all these cars! haha)
I know its your cars, but why not go with one of new seville or deville dashs that have the white numbers and red needles? They look so much better than those digital ones from the older cars.
The Caddy gauge along with wires going everywhere...aaaaaaagh! Don't you just love before pics? Anyway, the Caddy gauge pod will be flush-mounted on the passenger side wereas the Dakota Digital gauges mounted on the drivers side. The Caddy pode was there for the drive to there (temporary). The first pic demonstrates the new location of the gauges on the center consule.
Just realized you have executed just about the same wing treatment that I had on my old '86 GT (R.I.P). The parts on mine were made by a GM Design Engineer who owned the car originally. Happy to see this idea re-surface, I always thought it improved the looks of the car, and the execution on yours is very fine work!!!
[This message has been edited by California Kid (edited 12-31-2003).]
hey, sweet car! i have a couple of questions tho if you dont mind answering 1. about how much $$$ do you have into that car? and 2. why do you use different size wheels on the front and rear, why not just use the same size on both?
2 how dare you come to florida with my favorite fiero for my favorite treatment and not tell me lol,..just kidding. Sneaky, said Florida was too far to come for Daytona,..But i guess not too far for an out of this world mod.
3 How much does the lambo door conversion run ??
P.S. with those lambo doors installed, on an already fabulous ride, you are gonna need a police escort when you take that car out from the mobs of people who will surround it.
Okay here are some fiber glassed before pics of the dash. (I ain't pretty, not yet). Chester should be getting them in a few.
Quote:3 questions for you madcurl, Exoticse
1 how about some info on that shift nob treatment
answer: Its a Momo automatic shifter to match the Momo Sterring wheel. A Viper shift bezel w/leather boot. Looks like the one that Audi offers but bigger. The Audi was too small for the automatic shift points.
2 how dare you come to florida with my favorite fiero for my favorite treatment and not tell me lol,..just kidding. Sneaky, said Florida was too far to come for Daytona,..But i guess not too far for an out of this world mod.
Answer: I came in under the radar doing a midnight run. Stay only (1) day. I posted a thread concerning the Lambo door conversion, but it seemed nobody was interested (not practical I guess). The thread was "do you want Decah"? The trip was the 1/2 way point from OK. I figured...What's 1300+ miles?
3 How much does the lambo door conversion run ?? Answer: under 2gs. Its lower once the cnc casting has been fabricated. Once that is done its, a "bolt-on" kit. Maybe cheaper since mine included labor to install (hey, somebody had to do it). If somebody had stepped up to the plate I wouldn't need to drive it there. hehe.
Next will be the after interior pics......then Lambo.
Okay, here are a few pics of the power steering rack and center consule for the gauges and sub woofer. (not a pretty site) Chester might post later. I'm out of here!