I dont like hipsters, I dont like the music style, I dont like the way they dress (fuhck dem !)......but I kinda like their message given the state of the modern world.
Question. Why do you find it so necessary to so often circumvent the forum censor software? Especially in the thread title. Is there something about the following that you think does not apply to you?
Don't try to circumvent the censor system. The forum software automatically censors some 4-letter words (and even some 5- and 6-letter words). Don't try to circumvent it. We all know what you mean with "you svck" (actually, "suck" isn't censored of course, but you get my point).
I doubt very much, that youtube typed that title into the subject line. I can remember, when PFF was known as a "family forum". I guess things changed since then, and I missed the memo.
I doubt very much, that youtube typed that title into the subject line.
The video is titled verbatim as was re-typed on the subject line. If you click the link 'view on youtube' you will see the title of the video as such, & on a website that is not Pennock's.
The video is titled verbatim as was re-typed on the subject line. If you click the link 'view on youtube' you will see the title of the video as such, & on a website that is not Pennock's.
The video is titled verbatim as was re-typed on the subject line. If you click the link 'view on youtube' you will see the title of the video as such, & on a website that is not Pennock's.
Actually, it was a copy/paste. No typing involved except for the NSFW! warning. And I didnt find it on you-tube, its the footer video on the GLP forum. You-tube came later.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-18-2014).]
The Prophet Mohamed wants you become a pedophile and marry girls as young as 9...basically as soon as they are out of thier mom hole, they are ripe for sticking yer dick into...if ya dont believe me, google it...
Like I will ever answer to Islam, azzhole...at least the girls I have fracked were consenting adult females...
But the Church likes alter boys And islam likes babies
(this post was started by a guy I used to call a friend, and asked if I dont hit Sue, then he can get people to do it for me)...frack you, Pakistan ---frack you Islam...I dont hit my girl, whatever the disagreement, and thats just the way it is !!!!!!
I got kissed on the cheek by a fag who said I am "cute" I was in a pizza restaraunt getting food.
THAT one was the last straw with the LBGT agenda with me....
frack OFF, qweer, you aint getting near my azz...and I sure as **** aint holding yours.
IThats it---eneough is is enough, no I wont "try it you might like it", no you cant kiss me, and NO...NO..NO
I dont accept you, now frack off and go find another quweer somewre else,......
I need a s shower after that. GODDAMIT......fracking homos-----keep your penis out of my azz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a heterosexual man, and go frack yourself if you dont like it, queer---because ya sure aint fracking me. [This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 01-24-2014).]
| | | | | | | | | | | |<sigh>.....always use a condom when fracking the internet. It got thru 6 different levels of protection on Win 7....I'll let ya guys know when I am safe to frack with again, going to go get a new drive this aft, and I have disks to re!load....but when ya DO frack with me, please be gentle, my azz and wallet still hurt from this one...
About 2 years ago I stopped in at the FBO I was working at during 9/11......I lasted about 18 months after before saing "frack you" to the rent-a-tard program.....well, it seems my greeting is "Holey sheet, you are the one who got out alive"----THAT many guys are gone from heart attacks, car crashes, cancer....NYC was not a good place to be that day or the weeks following, but niehter was YYZ (or I suspect any airfield over 5,000 feet)
Aperenttly, a frackING PRICK NOT A MAN.....has decicided on this forum to decide to hack a laptop.....he forgot IP's are logged in Holland, and can be found in Canada
Your RCMP will handle the hacker....IC......I'm going to bed, you are going to jail.....have fun with the dick.
Well, after 5-hours of playing mix-and-match to get what I wanted (basically an update of my #1 barn/bat/pest rifle) and my "backup" set as close as I can (with the rails on it I am not going to get EXECTLY what I want without taking it to a machine shop to have some work done) I am DEFINATLEY getting one, a bore sight will save me HOURS of fracking around.
Perhaps, but this time it is the way the band named the song. That is how both words are misspelled on YouTube, that is how both words are misspelled in the subject.
Maybe that's why he likes the song. For the phonetics.
Explicit wording has it's place. It is the devaluing of words overused or used indiscriminately that I feel is a problem.
Personally I will use the correct spelling of a explicit word because I know it will be filtered out. While not the answer or a claim that is the way to do it I prefer just to see the stars.
Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:
...but I kinda like their message given the state of the modern world.
Let them get there stupid nonsensical contradictory message out the the dumb masses I'd only waste one bullet for the two of them and then only if I needed to sight it in anyway.
[This message has been edited by pokeyfiero (edited 09-18-2014).]
I doubt very much, that youtube typed that title into the subject line. I can remember, when PFF was known as a "family forum". I guess things changed since then, and I missed the memo.
Something tells me you have never been to Jersey? There the F word is a noun, verb and adjective as well as some others.
And that's a family filled state ! Some of the words the filter cuts out have perfectly legitimate and proper words for mixed company everywhere, think about that for a second, Biatch is also a female dog, yet gets filtered. yet Dick doesn't or prick. What happened to you man, you got a reindeer up your but or something?
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
I would assume that anything NSFW is just as not safe for children.
I didn't open it (this thread) while she was here--didn't have to. It was right in the OT index, since MeM CHOOSE to violate the posting rule that has been in effect for years and copy/paste-typed the F-word variant right in the subject line. He could have and IMO, SHOULD have put anything else he wanted in the title and still drew people's attention to it without including the wording he did. I have come to expectthis kind of thing with teenagers--MeM is 40 something. I still haven't opened the link and probably won't.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 09-19-2014).]
No Steve, I had a grand daughter sitting beside me..
Well, Don, I apologize if it offended you and you didnt want your grand daghter exposed to non-politically-correct language, however we DO live in a society where that kind of thing is inevetable, sooner or later all kids will be exposed to it and there is nothing parents or grandparents can do to stop it, you just cant controll the entire world at that level. Believe me, I wasnt happy when my kid started smoking dope at 13, and got himself thrown out of air cadets (and lost his glider-flying chances ) but again, I couldnt control the entire city he lives in.
Might I suggest something like Net Nanny or K-9, both of those sit resident on your computer and will filter out anything not child-appropriate to settings you can control. Actually, there are a ton of different softwares that will do the same thing. Believe me, I am not the only one on the internet who doesnt do politically-correct speach all the time.
And honestly, had you been reading the GLP forum instead of PFF you would have seen the exact same thing, PLUS the video posted and not just a link.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-19-2014).]
So, MEM, you're suggesting PFF be blocked because it's not an appropriate forum for minors to view. That's exactly what Don is complaining about.
Really, it wouldn't have been difficult to put NSFW along with a G-Rate subject line that would get the point across and let people who don't want to view adult material avoid it. By putting it in the headline, the only way to avoid it is to just avoid the forum. The NSFW tag doesn't help much when it's part of a NSFW headline.
I see you make the comparison of not likeing your kid smoking dope at 13. How did you feel about the person who supplied him the dope? You're that guy. Hey, your kid was going to smoke dope sooner or later, so what does it matter, right? Don't be that guy.
Don't try to circumvent the censor system. The forum software automatically censors some 4-letter words (and even some 5- and 6-letter words). Don't try to circumvent it. We all know what you mean with "you svck" (actually, "suck" isn't censored of course, but you get my point).
I'll answer them later, Don...right now I am kinda wound up about about the entire issue, so its best not to say much. I dont want to start a war niether of us wants over internet and philosophy and internatinal law.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-20-2014).]