Here is a report that just came out about some commercial planes that are taken over by Muslim Extremists. Could they be planning another 9/11 attack on the US or one of our allies?
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11
By Bill Gertz Published September 02, 2014 Washington Free Beacon 557
Islamist militias in Libya took control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners last month, and western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa.
Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.
“There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing,” said one official. “We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes.”
The official said the aircraft are a serious counterterrorism concern because reports of terrorist control over the Libyan airliners come three weeks before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks and the second anniversary of the Libyan terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the Benghazi attack, which the Obama administration initially said was the result of a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Muslim video.
live in fear! that's what they want! Not the terrorists, your Government. the more you are afraid, the easier it is to control you.
Fear AND confusion! We are bombarded with hundreds of contridicting and terrifying reports/masseages...every day...non stop. It keeps everyone distracted from what the Government is actually DOING (or not doing) right under our own noses. Hysteria, the perfect cover to get away with all sorts of BS.
around 2:15 "...or another few new journalists are beheaded on video" ho-hum...
missing planes. homebuilt drone-bombs. wild gunmen. briefcase nukes. what can we do about those and a dozen other crazy-yet-totally-plausible ways to end up like that parrot in that Monty Python skit? Not much.
My advice is to just go on living, and enjoy it. Stop watching the news. maybe find out what the weather will be like tomorrow, but stop watching the news (well,stop watching most crap which is supposed to be news, anyway...)
I am gettin too old and broken (and ran out of friends willing to go for the ride) to do this sheet a 3rd time.......They got 2 1/2 years to my 50th to try something, and after that the younger guys are gonna have to take point.
About 2 years ago I stopped in at the FBO I was working at during 9/11......I lasted about 18 months after before saing "frack you" to the rent-a-tard program.....well, it seems my greeting is "Holey sheet, you are the one who got out alive"----THAT many guys are gone from heart attacks, car crashes, cancer....NYC was not a good place to be that day or the weeks following, but niehter was YYZ (or I suspect any airfield over 5,000 feet)
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-02-2014).]
The "missing" airliners are in the same big hangar that Malaysia Flight 370 is in.
All are currently being armed with Photon Torpedeos, and refitted with Romulan cloaking device. Knee Defenders are optional in specific seating areas of the Martyrs section.
The "missing" airliners are in the same big hangar that Malaysia Flight 370 is in.
All are currently being armed with Photon Torpedeos, and refitted with Romulan cloaking device. Knee Defenders are optional in specific seating areas of the Martyrs section.
DONT !!!!!!........frackin do that when I have a mouthfull of hot coffee !!!!!!!!!
Ya owe me new nostrils.....and a keyboard.(hey, at least I'm not claimimg dentures )
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-02-2014).]
What type of logistics would be involved in flying a jetliner from halfway around the world, to anywhere in the US without being detected, or running out of fuel?
What type of logistics would be involved in flying a jetliner from halfway around the world, to anywhere in the US without being detected, or running out of fuel?
Is it even possible?
Sure, just come in from the South, low over the Rio Grande--ain't nobody minding the store down there.
What type of logistics would be involved in flying a jetliner from halfway around the world, to anywhere in the US without being detected, or running out of fuel?
Is it even possible?
They dont have to fly them far. They can crash them into practically anything with lots of people and say it is America's fault for not negotiating with them. That entire area is a tinderbox and won't take much to blame problems on America. They already hate us, and each other.... So why not (from their point of view) kill off some of their enemies and get the enemy to blame the US? IF it is true that planes are even missing, and could be in the hands of terrorists, They could for sure do major damage to us with them and not even fly them out of the middle east.
Are we saying that with all the military we have in the Middle East right now, that we aren't actively tracking every single plane in the air in that area?
Come in too low and they would suddenly have so many stowaways that they couldn't stay in the air though. It's a sketchy plan IMO.
Brad ????
Do you know what a AC-500, 337, or King Air ----even a 400---will lift in weight ? Ya can google me manuals, right?
Have you seen some of the Mexican Mama's ?????????????????
Ya got nothing to worry about dude !!!!!!!!------its gonna be an overloaded flaming ball of aluminum at the end of the runway before it can get the nose off the ground.
.....137 kids, or 2 mama's.........
Oh, yeh----fly it yer frackin self, I sure aint gettin in that.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-03-2014).]
Are we saying that with all the military we have in the Middle East right now, that we aren't actively tracking every single plane in the air in that area?
Are you saying that such a thing is possible? OR that we have the freedom to spread our tracking gear all over the middle east so we could watch everything they do? I think not. IF we could see every come we dont know where they are now, how and where did they go? How could they be missing if we could track them? Would we shoot them dwn IF we "suspected them" of being one of the missing planes heading for a target? Would the local "government" take our advice or believe us if we told them we are tracking a missing plane?
Geography lesson. Tripoli is in North Africa--not the Mid East. Lots closer from Tripoli to the Southern part of Europe than to any point in the Mideast. Just a hop across the Mediterranean. 619 tripoli to rome italy. 690 miles tripoli to Athens Greece. 1244 miles from Tripoli to Tel Aviv Israel. 6000+ miles Tripoli to Hou Tx.
Closest Mideastern capitol to Tripoli is Cairo Egypt--1079 air miles.
Geography lesson. Tripoli is in North Africa--not the Mid East. Lots closer from Tripoli to the Southern part of Europe than to any point in the Mideast. Just a hop across the Mediterranean. 619 tripoli to rome italy. 690 miles tripoli to Athens Greece. 1244 miles from Tripoli to Tel Aviv Israel. 6000+ miles Tripoli to Hou Tx.
Closest Mideastern capitol to Tripoli is Cairo Egypt--1079 air miles.
I think you are addressing me? Thanks for the info, but I have to admit that I guessed at the location of the "thefts" or unaccounted for planes because I have not heard this story. So if the planes were not in the mid east, then so be it. They could potentially be a tool of terror anywere.
I doubt they will try it that way, as we would ( now ) just shoot them out of the sky.. I expect truck bombs and such. we are not prepared for that. ( not sure how we could be to be honest )
I think you are addressing me? Thanks for the info, but I have to admit that I guessed at the location of the "thefts" or unaccounted for planes because I have not heard this story. So if the planes were not in the mid east, then so be it. They could potentially be a tool of terror anywere.
Not neccessarily you (or just you anyway). We all have a tendency to think of any country in that part of the world to be in the "Mideast". In this case, it is not. Being on the coast of the Med, various interactions with Southern European nations would be commonplace, as radar from Malta,Sicily, Greece, and Italy would undoubtedly keep track of large aircraft going to and leaving Tripoli airport. US Sixth Fleet is permanently homeported in the Mediterranean, with their headquarters being on the Island of Sicily, at Naval Air Station Sigonella less than 400 miles from Tripoli. Aegis equipped USN ships routinely track airliners all over the world, as does Italy's version of Aegis in the Med, using the S1850M long range radar advertised as being capable of fully automatic detection, track initiation and tracking of up to 1,000 targets at a range of 400 kilometres
In addition, there is a modern international airport located on the Isle nation of Malta in the Med, 200 miles due North of Tripoli. I doubt anything of any size moves into or out of Tripoli without notice and handoff.
The more I sit back and watch things unfold, and hear about all the BS going on, the more I find myself comparing the world we live in to George Orwell's "1984". And the more it scares the ever-loving dog piss out of me
We are coming to a head, and things aren't going to end well. I have my suspicions and my "conspiracy theories" about it all, but I'll keep them to myself.
That said, I want nothing to do with any of it. I was born a free man, and by golly I will die a free man. Hence why (as I'm sure many of you will remember) I want to live off grid (part of the reasoning anyhow). I'll take a lesson from our turtle brethren and curl up in my figurative shell, poke my head out occasionally to see if the coast is clear, then retire back inside.
I doubt they will try it that way, as we would ( now ) just shoot them out of the sky.. I expect truck bombs and such. we are not prepared for that. ( not sure how we could be to be honest )
I don't know so much about that. I wouldn't put it past a terrorist group to load a plane full of explosives and women and children and then dare someone to shoot it down on its way to a target. It would then be a questions of if the person giving the orders would give the order to shoot down a plane full of women and children to keep that plane from reaching its target. I'm pretty sure Israel would give the order. But I'm not so sure we would.
Nah, they do have an agenda, beyond just creating chaos.
Oh yeah, I know...
I was just focusing on the fact that people will accept some pretty hairy sh*t as long as it's expected to occur. Like the reaction we get to "another shcool shooting", or "another journalist beheading"...
The way NY (and most major cities) are set up, they could cause tremendous chaos and destruction just by a few truck bombs in the right spots. and it doesn't take a genius to know what spots they are...
I don't know so much about that. I wouldn't put it past a terrorist group to load a plane full of explosives and women and children and then dare someone to shoot it down on its way to a target. It would then be a questions of if the person giving the orders would give the order to shoot down a plane full of women and children to keep that plane from reaching its target. I'm pretty sure Israel would give the order. But I'm not so sure we would.
Ding Ding Ding !!! I bet if this scenario did go down we would find those 200+ passengers from malasia MH 370. They would be loaded aboard the aircraft and be made a media specticle.
Originally posted by whadeduck: I wouldn't put it past a terrorist group to load a plane full of explosives and women and children and then dare someone to shoot it down on its way to a target.
I'm pretty sure Israel would give the order. But I'm not so sure we would.
I'm certain Israel would give the order. They'll do whatever is required to defeat their enemies and they understand there are sometimes unavoidable losses. As for the US giving the order, that would depend on whether the plane was full of Christians or Muslims. No way 0bama gives the word to shoot down a plane full of "innocent Muslims." He probably wouldn't hesistate if they were Christian (or any non-Muslim religion). They're just more bumps on the road, like every other terrorist killing of Americans on his watch.
Originally posted by Formula88: I'm certain Israel would give the order. They'll do whatever is required to defeat their enemies and they understand there are sometimes unavoidable losses. As for the US giving the order, that would depend on whether the plane was full of Christians or Muslims. No way 0bama gives the word to shoot down a plane full of "innocent Muslims." He probably wouldn't hesitate if they were Christian (or any non-Muslim religion). They're just more bumps on the road, like every other terrorist killing of Americans on his watch.
Thanks for this, I needed some humor. I am not ready to believe yet.
No way 0bama gives the word to shoot down a plane full of "innocent Muslims." He probably wouldn't hesistate if they were Christian (or any non-Muslim religion).
More concerned with what is going on within 50 miles of me right now. PG county reported less than a week ago elderly man killed by 5 hispanics after man shouted a comment to a hispanic girl. It was later found that all 5 were connected to MS-13 gang. Endless reports of people getting beat up by a younger group for just saying something after being treated like dirt. The woman across the street with 3 kids from 3 different fathers. All of which don't work. Keep an eye on your belongings towards the end of the month when benefits run low. The business down the street (large dealership) that closed up because the city approved a development and now has been sitting almost abandoned because it has been 3 different developers that bailed out of the project. It was to be finished in 2012.
Just a few of the things going on. Just a small sample.
If there is another 9/11 event.... What good is all this security bs we have all over the place really doing us?
If you are worried about another 9/11 event.... Why do we have all this security bs all over the place?
Not that i agree with all that has been done in the name of 'protecting the citizens', but i'm sure some of the more rational steps have prevented attacks. Nothing is 100% in this life, but that doesn't mean you give up and lay down....
Not that i agree with all that has been done in the name of 'protecting the citizens', but i'm sure some of the more rational steps have prevented attacks. Nothing is 100% in this life, but that doesn't mean you give up and lay down....
True. But in the meantime, for the sake of "security" the government can trample on your rights too.