Sorry bubba i have been doing other things. I went through all my fiero parts and put them in bins with labels on was just getting to be a mess upstairs. I got a ranger that I am puting air ride on that I will be finishing over the weekend. When I get done with that I will be back on the VERT again I also bought my 2 post lift the other day so I will be working on putting a footer in for that and getting it up and running to drop the craddle out
well I worked on it today, concentrating on the C-Piller area. I got both sides boxed in and primered. Then worked on geting the rest of the interior out of the way. I cut off the post to the height I wanted it at Next I took and welded in a piece of 1/8" flat stock
RHD anyone?????? I got the column mounted tonight. I hope to be done with the conversion by this weekend. I do have several questions as to some of the electrial componants. Like there is a black box that mounts in the center console opposite of where the performance sound would go. There is a couple other thingy's that I do not know what they are. So if anyone is really good at knowing what all the components are, get ahold of me please!!!! I want the wiring as clean as can be and in order for me to do that I need to know what everything is.
Well I did not get much done tonight. I battled with the lug nuts on the front wheels for about an hour and a half . A high amount of torque, a sledge hammer and a tourch finnaly got them off.
I got the front suspension setup out tonight. I figure it will be alot easier to mount the rack with it out of the car. I will also go ahead and mount the air bags, paint, and install the poly bushings while it is out. That way when it goes back in it is done. Tomorrow I will be mocking up the rack and getting it all welded together. so there will be an update hopefully tomorrow
Well I realized that I forgot to get measurements for the front bag mounts So being pissed off about having to put the front end back in just to take 1 measurement, I decided to clean the garage out. Tomorrow is another day and I will get the measurement taken and be back to where I was. Oh well part of the nature of the beast
You make quick progress! Looks good. Looks like you're going to beat me to an air bag install....I'm too busy building my car's new home. Any details as to what you're using?
[This message has been edited by Joe Torma (edited 12-01-2005).]
I will be using a 2500 easy street front bag and the easy street rear strut setup. Not sure what valves I will be using but they will be electric and 3/8". I dont want it too fast but I dont want it too slow. I will restrict the dump to 1/4" or smaller so that it don't slam on the ground. And yea I hope to lay it on the ground Knock on wood I hope to have the air ride mounted before X-Mas. This will only happen if I can get everything sandblasted and painted by the 12/20/05. That will give me 4 more days that I can put things back together. It will also help that I have 8 more vacation day left to use up before the end of the year
[This message has been edited by YELLOWFIERO88 (edited 12-28-2005).]
Originally posted by YELLOWFIERO88: Then I ground down the edge to follow the contour of the pillar.
Looks good, I followed the edge crease at the corner of the door where it just starts to bend IN then made hinges close to the corner as possible and got this: (no pics just a link to that page for ya)
Wow I looked through some of your site and damn you got one heck of a build going there
Well I got my 2-post lift bolted in tight now all I need to do is mount the arms and wire it up. I should be able to finish that tomorrow after work
On the car, I got the rear springs taken out. Got the front springs, and bumpstops removed and the x-member bolted back in. Put the wheels back on and set it on the ground to get the measurements I need. I am not real happy with the height it is sitting. My goal is to have it lay floors on the ground. I am now about 2" from that goal. the problem is the pesty frame rail is in the way. I am going to have to reconsider my wheel/tire combo or deal with it not laying out. Right now it has a great raked stance to her that I like. Humm, humm, decisions, decisions. I called it quits early tonight so I could get a little sleep tonight. Here it is at 1:30 and I am still not in bed. LOL. Hopefully I decide on what I am going to do so I can start with the bag mounts on saturday morning. If that is the case then I will have all the suspension done by sunday night ready for paint. Then paint monday night, assemble on tuesday night.
When I get done with the suspension and the steering, I am going to get the fenders, hood and doors in primer and ready for paint. I have a love/hate relationship with bodywork. I love to hate doing it. This will allow me to break up some of the body work instead of waiting till the car is done mechanically then doing all the body at once. I love to paint, just hate doing the body part.
[This message has been edited by YELLOWFIERO88 (edited 12-02-2005).]
If I even tried doing what you are doing I would end up with something that an autowrecker woudn't touch keep up the hard work.
------------------ 1985 2m4 Saskatoon, Sask Canada Visit the Saskatoon Fiero Club Website at Come chat with us at our Forum
Well I got the struts made today. I started by cutting off the mounts from the factory struts. They give you brackets in the kit but there is no holes drilled in them. I did not feal like drilling all the holes in them and then trying to slot the bottom for adjustment so that is why i cut them off. I them took my measurement of where I wanted the car to lay at and transfomed it to the pipe. I then cut it to length. Next I took and bolted the beackets to the spindle and welded the pipe to the brackets. Then slid the strut into the pipe and welded it to it. I added a tong for the brake line . I also took the upper mount and welded the bolts to it so that I would not have to use 2 wrenches to get it installed. I then shot it all in primer. I still have to clean up the strut shaft, but I wanted to make sure that it did not rust with the moisture in the air system.
[This message has been edited by YELLOWFIERO88 (edited 12-04-2005).]
If you use the notchie rear clip then you'll have to go with the rear tailight style. Was that your original plan ? From your concept it looks like you have the fastback style rear on the car.
Well here is the answer: Well I have no bags to work on the front so I screwed with the rear clip. It will be the hardest body part on the car. I am taking a fastback and molding the notchie front to it. I started by taking the parts car and getting the clip part off it I needed. Thanks loyde (fastfieros) I then put it on the vert and did my measurements. I measured from the front of the clip back 22" and that is where I cut the clip. I then took the notchie piece and measured the same, and cut her up. Masking tape and a permanate marker works great for marking it. I then took the piece and test fit it. It fit perfect so I went ahead and ground it down. Using a paint stir, 2 vise grips, and some more masking tape I held it in position for the glassing. I went ahead and mixed resign, applied it, and waited for it to dry. Next will be some more triming and some foam work with a curry comb, then more glass work. This will be the hardest panel on the car so I will mess with it on and off till it is done as I have down time.
Well I worked on it tonight. I am back on the front end again. I got the front suspension out again. I cut the factory brackets off and ground it smooth. I then made new brackets out of 1" box tube. I drilled the holes and mounted the brackets to the rack. I then positioned it on the x-member and welded it in position. slapped a little paint on it so that dont rust till I get it to the powdercoater
I know, I know...this guy works really fast! My glass beads got damp and my shop vac failed so I couldn't finish 'blasting my crossmember(the most recent holdup). He's being sponsored too(lucky!)
Yellow...just curious...why are you converting to RHD?
[This message has been edited by Joe Torma (edited 12-08-2005).]
Not sponsered yet but hopefully I will be. So far alll out of my empty wallet. I am waiting till I get a little farther on it to send in all my stuff for the sponsorship.
As for the RHD????........Why not? It has really not been done(one other I have seen and it is not in the states). I want to show off my fab skills because I am getting everything ready for my own shop. This is going to be kinda a "show off car" that shows what I can do.
Joe, these rear struts are really nice if you have not done your rear yet. If interested then let me know and I will get you wholesale $$$ on them Brian
Looking good man! I know who Im calling when I need help with something on my car lol
I know what you mean ! I still got my 86 coupe up the road at my folks house in Middletown,..watching him work has got the ideas going in my mind for sure !
Well the computer has been down here I got the rear suspension completley torn apart, bushings burnt out, and sent off to the powdercoater. I am having a silver metalic powder then topcoated with a clear powder. It will look really good when it is done
I started on the front suspension today. I started by notching the x-member so I have plenty of room for the bag. I used a piece of 8"o.d. pipe with a thickness of 3/8". I really notched it back so I want it plenty strong. Plus I had it laying here. I removed the factory spring perch and I am making a new bolt in one. I got it started but not finished. Tomorrow is another day. I need all the front tore apart with bushing burnt out before friday night so it can be done before my powder coater goes on vacation. No rush or anything. LOL
Well everything is at the powder coater getting a metalic silver coating I finished up the x-member friday night and got it down to get the powder applied over the weekend. I have to pick it up tuesday night and will get the bushings put back in and the whole thing assembled. I am not sure if it will be reinstalled in the car yet or not. The company wants to display the whole front setup at this years Cavalcade of customs (better known as autorama, or world of wheels) show . Here is what it looks like. more updates tuesday.
Got the engine ready to drop out tonight. I got one stubbron bolt on the cradle that wont come out and the oxygen tank is empty. I am getting it filled tomorrow and will finish droping it out. I picked up a qt of my paint. It is going to be the sunburst orange metalic off the newer gm cars. cost $110 for one qt of chromabase, that does not include the reducer or the clear/activator Hopefully it has a good coverage rate.
Well I got the oxygen picked up today but just no motivation to work in the garage. But I do get to pick up the parts tomorrow from getting powdered Maybe that will get me back into the mood.
Originally posted by YELLOWFIERO88: there is a black box that mounts in the center console opposite of where the performance sound would go. There is a couple other thingy's that I do not know what they are. So if anyone is really good at knowing what all the components are, get ahold of me please!!!!
I believe the black box under the carpet on the driver's side of the center tunnel is the cruise control computer module.
Originally posted by LZeitgeist: I believe the black box under the carpet on the driver's side of the center tunnel is the cruise control computer module.
Thanks. I am going to need help from some of you "wiring guys" figuring out some of the rewiring
Originally posted by Joe Torma: What's the installed height of the bag at driving height?
I got it at about 6". Max height is around 8"+. There is almost perfect alignment throughout the bag travel. However, when it is all the way up, the upper c-arm will hit the bag bracket. There will be a bumpstop there, and there is plenty of clearance between the bag and the upper c-arm so I am not 2 worried about it. Sides Nothing beats the look of a car going down the road with less than 2" of clearance "why bag it if you aint gona drag it? "
Originally posted by Joe Torma: Are you going to weld in gussets to that upper bag plate?
Well...........I have them laying on the sawhorses the only problem is that the parts are laying on my garage floor........... already powdercoated. I knew when I took them down there I was forgetting something. I put a big pipe wrench on the end of the bracket and tried to bend it. It did not budge at all, so hopefully it won't when it is in the car. The plates are made of 1/4" heat treated plate. If it does then I can weld them in and repowdercoat it. more parts.
Finally here is the engine/trans I bought off Rick. I will be stripping it down and checking everything before final paint, and install
Steve, I have been working on the house. I have had the master bathroom gutted for 2 months now, so its time to get that back together. I should be done with the house this weekend and back on the car next week.
I got some more parts at the powder coaters getting done like coolant lines and the gas tank. They are being done in "almost chrome" . I want to get those back and see what the color looks like. Before I put the lines and gas tank back in I am going to seam seal and paint the bottom of the car, engine bay and front area (gloss black). I will follow that by installing the front suspension setup, then the rear suspension and engine. hopefully by the end of jan. I will have it rolling around and start on the "rats nest of wiring"