Weird. He may make poor choices when he decided what football team to be a fan of.. but then don't we all? (I mostly only ever ran into him in the football pick threads) Kidding! I never saw anything from him that would warrant a ban!
Originally posted by Cliff Pennock: ... That's what I did with [the banned member] here. I just gave him a positive rating and see what that did. It unbanned him. It doesn't mean he's in the clear because he is in fact still on the edge.
Wasn't he a multiply banned user that keeps coming back with different usernames?
I've thought the same thing for about a year... Story seemed very similar to a user that got banned for being an a-hole or just otherwise annoying, several times. Seemed to have kept a pretty even keel this go round.
I've thought the same thing for about a year... Story seemed very similar to a user that got banned for being an a-hole or just otherwise annoying, several times. Seemed to have kept a pretty even keel this go round.
Same thing I was thinking here, had a member PM me asking about him, and he really did seem like the old member, but I never rated him neg, or said anything because I really didn't have a problem with him. I just kinda figured everyone else noticed it too.
Went and gave him a plus, just because I really think he's not being a huge "child" this time around. Though, not sure where all the negs came from, unless they just don't like Ancient Aliens lol
[This message has been edited by Fats (edited 09-11-2014).]
You.guys weren't lying about political threads. I suspect the negs came from posting a conspiracy theory in it.
Whoa, but you green now, baby! Look at you go! You're popular again!
I guess I can kinda' get why we might need a rating system here (Ciff is waaaay smarter than me in that regard), but the whole concept just kinda' goes against my grain......but then again, why should someone give a flyin' fug about my "grain"!
Whoa, but you green now, baby! Look at you go! You're popular again!
I guess I can kinda' get why we might need a rating system here (Ciff is waaaay smarter than me in that regard), but the whole concept just kinda' goes against my grain......but then again, why should someone give a flyin' fug about my "grain"!
I expect to be banned any day....
I think a lot of the time people don't think to rate someone who doesn't really produce many waves so if enough people take offence to something a person posted, over time those negs can add up to a banning. It's why it's important to rate people you like or that you've never really seen anything offensive from. I'm as much at fault at that as others are I'm sure and will find myself from time to time looking at all the posters in a thread and clicking the "rate me" to see if I have them rated yet and give them that plus if they've never done anything that was really rude, even if they've never done anything to make me really take a fond notice of them. I just don't want to see people get banned because they have no idea what their bar might look like and because they haven't done anything to really set themselves apart in a way that prompts people to plus them.
If that makes any sense.
[This message has been edited by Khw (edited 09-11-2014).]
Great to see you back Dan. And to those that think Cliff don't pay attention or moderate, you have your answer here. The ratings system works, but there may be some out-lyers here and there. I think that is where Dan fell into. Thanks Cliff. You heard us like I knew you would.