Originally posted by JohnWPB: @Dobey: Your pattern of: Post first about some topic, then Google some info and then post that so you look like you know something, and then say something contradictory to yourself. Lastly, make some excuse, or edit your post and hope no one notices. I have seen this in at least 4 threads now. That is the reason your little ratings bar has so much of the red spectrum in it LOL
Latest Example:
So Danyel, what does FTP have to do with anything? Can't you just wiggle your nose and the files will appear magically on the server? Hahahah!
Wow. Assumption much? While the irony of you complaining about me editing posts, within a post you yourself edited, is not lost on me, you sure love to make some wildly brazen assumptions about what others do, or why things are the way they are.
Firstly, no, I don't post and then go Google some stuff about it. I don't even use Google when I do search, because I actually want results that might disagree with my current understanding, rather than a bunch of things that agree with me, regardless of whether they are correct or not.
Secondly, no, I don't go edit posts in the way you assume. There are only two primary reasons that I edit posts. 1) I noticed a spelling/grammar error immediately after hitting the Submit button. 2) I found some image I was looking for. If I do edit some post to change the content of it, I state so under an edit tag at the bottom of it. Maybe you work in the way that you are claiming I do, but I certainly do not behave in that manner.
The ratings bar is irrelevant. Your assumption that it somehow matters and quantifies the intellect or value of someone, is quite misguided, and clearly you do not understand how humans think (or rather, how they do not). Would it make you feel better if I made my ratings bar all green with 10,000 ratings? It's certainly a fairly trivial thing to do. The ratings bar is clearly the only thing that matters in your eyes, let's just ignored the Registered: date just above it.
I don't know what your obsession with me is, but really, it's not healthy. You should stop. Trying to make things personal in every thread I post in, isn't going to do you any favors.
Now back on topic, as far as this thread is concerned. My first response in this thread was a suggestion to not use PIP at all, but use other image hosting services, which are already well integrated into mobile devices. Danyel's response to that was to post a list of things completely unrelated to that, assuming one must use FTP, or must host their own server, to be able to post images. So yes, FTP had absolutely **** all to do with any I stated in my first post.
Then you and Danyel stated you tried to use plain FTP to connect to the PIP server and upload images, both unsuccessfully. So then I went ahead and grabbed the PIP server info and tried it myself; without any issue at all.
Now, of course, this same topic has come up time and again over the past couple years, and it's pretty safe to assume that Cliff won't/can't invest significant time in modernizing the forum to compete with things like Facebook, and it's extremely unlikely that he is going to take on the expense of writing new versions of PIP for Android, iOS, Win Mobile, etc…
Originally posted by Neils88: Unfortunately Steve, that is a very antiquated attitude and shows that you don't understand the movement of technology. You see things from your point of view, but you are stuck in the past. Just because you fear progress doesn't mean the rest of the world should grind to a halt.
Ayup, I am an antique, a very old antique.
I was around when these were built, hell I was there and saw these cars before even Motor trend had, we had a Fiero frame/superstructure in my plant in Taxachusettes because we were supposed to be getting the new mini van and it was going to be made the same way.
Many things now done with technology are not as good as they were when they were done mechanically, think fuel injection, it was never controlled by a computer it was mechanical. Lots of things have been done to cars for the sake of making something newer and better but the problem is things are getting so complicated that you need thousands of dollars of test equipment to work on the dam things.
Hell I remember when we put the first computers in cars because I was there on the line putting them in.
Now as far as the subject of putting photos here on the forum from a mobile devise, never done it, don't have a phone that will do it and don't care to get one. I have had trouble with PIP here and gave up trying to use it, I just post pictures from photobucket.
Originally posted by jscott1: From the user standpoint, nothing about PIP is 21st century. You have to manually resize...Facebook does that automatically. You have to upload each file individually and then paste in that link manually to your thread. Facebook does that automatically too.
Actually, you can upload any file directly to the FTP, regardless of size, or number of pixels in the image. Any images that are over 300 KiB in size will result in the icon being shown on the forum, and requiring the click to view, when they are placed in a forum post.
The restrictions of 300 KiB, and WxH size, are purely enforced by the PIP client software itself, not the server or the forum web page.
What's so hard admit just using the imgur app on android to upload and pasting the url in the pop-up generated by the image button?
Here is a picture of my apple juice...
Edit: I own page 2
Further Edit: Yeah, I know it's massive
Imgur lets you edit and resize photos, but it doesn't seem to do it in the android app, just the web interface. I usually upload straight to imgur from my phone (since it has all my photos accessible already and it's just a few taps, instead of syncing, copying, filebrowsing, etc), then resize them to 800x600 on imgur web.
Downside is that I still use a computer to resize (or you can use imgur web on your phone browser, if you want).
Upside is they then appear in-line at a usable size. Also, I only retain the full-size version myself (so I don't end up with multiple copies, or preserve the downsized one).
Now as far as the subject of putting photos here on the forum from a mobile devise, never done it, don't have a phone that will do it and don't care to get one. I have had trouble with PIP here and gave up trying to use it, I just post pictures from photobucket.
Usually if there is a problem, it is with the Automatic Configuration field. Try this:
Start PIP by choosing it from the Start Menu Click the New button In the Automatic Configuration Field, type: https://www.fiero.nl/fieroforum.pip Click the Get button
But it does appear a more dumbproof uploader for PC and mobile devices would be welcome. I saw Cliff mention something about PIP 2.0 - but nothing has come down yet.
when you all finish flaming... 1. Use [img thumb] not [img] to post big pictures or allot of pictures. Makes threads easy to see/read then if you want to see big img for some just click. Note that PFF Thumbs are on PFF img server regardless of actual host.
ftp... just use search for Google Play store etc. I see many Free FTP clients and servers for Android.
you can find photo edit software too. Search for: batch photo
Or use Photo whatever hosting. Very few will care if dead links for a car show pops up after a few months. If you use [img thumb] then the thumb will still be here, not a red x. Some photo hosts will make all img as a link when you copy/past the img link from their site. Try to Edit out the [url=xxxx] section and /url close tag.
------------------ Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. (Jurassic Park)
Simple : 1. The size on the image (L x W) of today's mobiles are WAY too large ... you need a filter A good mobile access interface will resize on the fly. In fact, so will good, modern forum software. 2. The image weight (Ko, Mo, Go) is a factor in website bandwith Image weight? 3. Bandwith cost mucho dollars No. Bandwidth is dirt cheap. DIRT. 4. Hosting FTP site for pics are NOT cheap I pay $5/month for the hosting plan on which I have 10+ web sites including many thousands of mountaineering and car pics. Again, dirt cheap. 5. Many mobiles use same pic names like IMG_01.jpg etc etc (would replace the orignal download if same name) Again, a good mobile app and/or forum package handles this readily. 6. Apps are hard to program Tell that to the tweens who are writing them now. 7. Users would need to be computer savy to post the correct path so their forum posted pic shows correctly or you would get the infamous X pic Yes, when I post pics hosted on my web site it's a PITA. But that's because the forum software here makes it all so difficult. A primary reason people post on Facebook is because it's easy. And fast. But mostly easy. 8. Control for unwanted pics posted would be needed to avoid porno and pedo files. I think this is a red herring. Have managed web site with user-contributed content for years and have never seen this happen. And if it did, ban the user, block the IP. 9. Securing an FTP with username and password would be extremely exhaustive work.... Again, no one wants to upload images via FTP to post here. I do it because it's the least inconvenient method. But modern forum software doesn't require that at all.
Facebook is taking a lot of content away from sites like this. Because Facebook is easy. I'll typically post pics throughout show days on Facebook, but only a handful here because I have to resize, rename, upload to FTP, type in long URLs, etc. If forums want to stay vibrant, they have to use platforms that make it fast and easy for members to contribute.
After talking with some of my Apple Developer collegues we are presently looking to make available an IOS / OSX app to function like PIP did..... I will keep you posted here very soon ... one of my collegues suggested tweeking his app to accomodate this forums posting specs makin it easy for the ones that arent mobile/compute savy....
Actually, you can upload any file directly to the FTP, regardless of size, or number of pixels in the image. Any images that are over 300 KiB in size will result in the icon being shown on the forum, and requiring the click to view, when they are placed in a forum post.
The restrictions of 300 KiB, and WxH size, are purely enforced by the PIP client software itself, not the server or the forum web page.
Your point is entirely irrelevant to the one I was making. I wasn't talking about an FTP client...which is even more unfriendly than PIP. I was talking about posting from a mobile phone...which is the topic brought up by the OP. I have no idea why this thread has turned into a mud slinging contest.
To post photos to PFF from an iPad (or android) try the following, it's worked for me.
Sign-up with Photobucket to get a Username and Password. Log on to Photobucket and sign in with your Username and Password. Select Upload and browse your photo files. Select the photo you want to Upload to PFF from your Camera Roll or Photo Stream. Click on the photo then select DONE. Upload photo to Library Select photo and click to add title (optional). Click on Image Links. Copy the image address in IMG code which starts with [IMG]http://i Then paste it in the forum reply section and when you Preview or Post the message, the Image code [IMG]http://i.............. will appear as the photo you selected. Note, if you delete the photo from your Photobucket Library it will be deleted from whatever messages you posted the photo in previously.
Note, if you delete the photo from your Photobucket Library it will be deleted from whatever messages you posted the photo in previously.
Of course, that's always been the knock against using Photobucket (or other photo hosting sites) instead of using PIP to post images here. Seeing a series of red X's in a thread sucks big-time. But I suppose if PIP won't work with a mobile device (and people refuse to use a Windows computer), then using Photobucket is a lesser evil than using nothing at all.
Originally posted by jscott1: Your point is entirely irrelevant to the one I was making. I wasn't talking about an FTP client...which is even more unfriendly than PIP. I was talking about posting from a mobile phone...which is the topic brought up by the OP. I have no idea why this thread has turned into a mud slinging contest.
Right, and my point is that posting from a mobile phone does not necessarily include having to meet those same requirements as when posting images via PIP.
Unfortunately, even if it's trivial to upload images for posting to PFF on a phone, the fact is that the forum itself is difficult to post to, even without images, simply because it's a 15 year old interface and hasn't really been modernized at all.
Right, and my point is that posting from a mobile phone does not necessarily include having to meet those same requirements as when posting images via PIP.
Unfortunately, even if it's trivial to upload images for posting to PFF on a phone, the fact is that the forum itself is difficult to post to, even without images, simply because it's a 15 year old interface and hasn't really been modernized at all.
Why change something that works just fine .... needs some new tools to adapt to it, thats all ..... my iPhone6 and iPad mini 3 doesnt like large (WxH) pics because the post writting gets WAY too small. As for the 15 year old interface well its like a car engine ... works good ------ why change it ?? Cliff Pennock has been doing an EXCELLENT JOB with this forum and I for one is greatly appreciative ... we have lost ALOT of good people on this forum and it WASNT DUE to the interface .... just a couple of MORONS
EDITED: Forgot to ask you a question Dobey ... what type of fiero are you driving these days ??
[This message has been edited by Danyel (edited 07-28-2015).]
As for the 15 year old interface well its like a car engine ... works good ------ why change it ??
Software and databases are not car engines. We made the mistake of not staying on current software on a forum I helped run. Two things happened:
1. Our upgrade path closed: The tools to get from the forum software we were using to something new weren't carried along as the "something new" evolved. 2. The web host shut down the forum software because someone found an unpatched vuln and was using it to send spam through the forum software.
That left us in the unenviable position of either abandoning years of posts, or reverse engineering the database structure for the old system and a new system to manually populate posts, photos, and user accounts.
A better analogy is "Why change the oil if the engine has been running fine?"
To post photos to PFF from an iPad (or android) try the following, it's worked for me.
Sign-up with Photobucket to get a Username and Password. Log on to Photobucket and sign in with your Username and Password. Select Upload and browse your photo files. Select the photo you want to Upload to PFF from your Camera Roll or Photo Stream. Click on the photo then select DONE. Upload photo to Library Select photo and click to add title (optional). Click on Image Links. Copy the image address in IMG code which starts with [IMG]http://i Then paste it in the forum reply section and when you Preview or Post the message, the Image code [IMG]http://i.............. will appear as the photo you selected. Note, if you delete the photo from your Photobucket Library it will be deleted from whatever messages you posted the photo in previously.
To post photos to PFF from an iPad (or android) try the following, it's worked for me.
Sign-up with Photobucket to get a Username and Password. Log on to Photobucket and sign in with your Username and Password. Select Upload and browse your photo files. Select the photo you want to Upload to PFF from your Camera Roll or Photo Stream. Click on the photo then select DONE. Upload photo to Library Select photo and click to add title (optional). Click on Image Links. Copy the image address in IMG code which starts with [IMG]http://i Then paste it in the forum reply section and when you Preview or Post the message, the Image code [IMG]http://i.............. will appear as the photo you selected. Note, if you delete the photo from your Photobucket Library it will be deleted from whatever messages you posted the photo in previously.
This is how I posted my 1st three photos from this year on the Tyler Shipman Memorial Car Show 2015 thread. But it took a long time because photobucket kept dropping me and freezing up, not sure why, I was on wifi.
Yes, I said I would make something that would make uploading photo's much easier. And I did (and it works awesome). Problem is, when I finished it, it was already outdated because it doesn't work on mobile devices. So now I'm working on something else that should work on both desktop and mobile devices.
Yes, I said I would make something that would make uploading photo's much easier. And I did (and it works awesome). Problem is, when I finished it, it was already outdated because it doesn't work on mobile devices. So now I'm working on something else that should work on both desktop and mobile devices.
Thank you Cliff! I, nor anyone else knew anything about this. Of course not your responsibility to tell us everything you are doing by any means.
On the other hand, I have seen more "PIP is not working for me" posts that I can count. In just about each and every one of them you post that it works for you, and do not see any problems. This has happened with me as well. When I post with PIP, I get a confirmation that it uploaded, and paste the link to the forum, and it results in a broken image. I PM'd you, and you had emailed back and forth with me a couple times, and said that it must be on my end, as the image was not showing up in the server. I took that at face value, and let it go. a year later, I had switched to Comcast Cable, from my AT&T DSL. I had also rebuilt my machine with new motherboard, memory, and graphics card, and installed Windows 8.1 on it, compared to XP that I had been running before. Trying PIP again, still the same problems. I PM'd you, and you said that the images were not showing up on the server.
When you rule out the OS, the hardware, the network connection, what is left?
To show this, step by step, once and for all, here I am TRYING to upload a photo using PIP. There are NO errors, it copies the URL to the clipboard, yet it still fails.
Here is the EXACT image, unaltered, original file size and image size uploaded to PostImage.org:
When you rule out the OS, the hardware, the network connection, what is left?
Do you have teamviewer? So I can try it out myself on your computer and see what it is doing (you will be able to see everything I do so you don't have to worry I do thing on your computer I shouldn't do ).
To show this, step by step, once and for all, here I am TRYING to upload a photo using PIP. There are NO errors, it copies the URL to the clipboard, yet it still fails...
Sorry, another fail. We're all TRYING to watch your video... but it's Private.
Im with Steve, not only trying to use a tiny screen but also a 2x3 inch keyboard. Just buy a laptop. You can use your smart phone for a wifi signal for it.
Im with Steve, not only trying to use a tiny screen but also a 2x3 inch keyboard. Just buy a laptop. You can use your smart phone for a wifi signal for it.
And the other half of the senior brigade chimes in....
Do you have teamviewer? So I can try it out myself on your computer and see what it is doing (you will be able to see everything I do so you don't have to worry I do thing on your computer I shouldn't do ).
I have VNC, Remote Desktop and Team Viewer capabilities. I do not think that you are going to see anything different at all than what is in the video that I posted. Just an FYI, I am a computer tech, MS A+ certified, and have worked in IT for over 20 years. I am not what would be defined as a casual user. I have done a trace route, and ping to http://cliff.hostkansas.com and everything connects and returns normal. As mentioned it is a 100% different computer with a different network connection )Comcast Cable -vs- AT&T DSL), and different operating system (Win 8.1 -vs- XP), so it certainly is not one of those. I have uninstalled, removed all traces from the registry and hard drive Multiple times. Just to then reinstall and give it the location to the online .ini file to set it all up again, to still not work.
It is also worth noting that I am certainly not the only one having uploading issues with PIP. There are literally hundreds of posts in 10's of threads pertaining to this.
This all being said, I am in the hopes that this will no longer matter with the solution you are working on to replace PIP.
Originally posted by Patrick:
Sorry, another fail. We're all TRYING to watch your video... but it's Private.
SORRY about that.... I forgot something new with Youtube in the past couple videos I have uploaded. They are marked as private to begin with, and now you have to manually share them with everyone before they are viewable.
Im with Steve, not only trying to use a tiny screen but also a 2x3 inch keyboard. Just buy a laptop. You can use your smart phone for a wifi signal for it.
I used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't "it," and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.
Im with Steve, not only trying to use a tiny screen but also a 2x3 inch keyboard. Just buy a laptop. You can use your smart phone for a wifi signal for it.
No keyboard required. I am posting this message with just my voice. I am using my galaxy note three to send this message I speak, it types for me. Text has never been an issue on a mobile device to post on the forum, pictures however are another story.
I used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with isn't "it," and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.
LOL! Seems to apply to a few people on the forum. I just do not get it. I can understand an aversion to technology, I really can. But not from someone that has a cell phone, but will not think about posting a picture from it. Or someone that has a computer and Facebook account, but refuses to use a cell phone to post something.
Originally posted by 84fiero123: Stop using your dam phones to post on an idiotnet forum, I really don't want to know that you are on the can taking a crap while posting here.
I agree! I mean I get so sick of people calling me on their cell phones while they are taking a crap. So I guess everyone should get rid of their cell phones.
If you have an aversion to technology, then lose the computer & lose the cellphone! I mean at one point that technology was Ok for you, you got a cell phone, and even a computer. Now that you have these 2 items, the rest of technology and progress should stop? I am sorry, I just do not understand that mentality.
If you have an aversion to technology, then lose the computer & lose the cellphone! I mean at one point that technology was Ok for you, you got a cell phone, and even a computer. Now that you have these 2 items, the rest of technology and progress should stop? I am sorry, I just do not understand that mentality.
Unfortunately it comes with age. I swore it would never happen to me, but something in the brain makes it more difficult to learn new things as you get older. Not everyone succumbs to the same degree, but at some point some people just give up and want to stay at whatever technology level they are comfortable with. I have had a Twitter handle for 6 years and I don't have a clue how hashtags work. I need someone under 30 to really explain that to me one of these days.
I have had a Twitter handle for 6 years and I don't have a clue how hashtags work. I need someone under 30 to really explain that to me one of these days.
Originally posted by jscott1: I have had a Twitter handle for 6 years and I don't have a clue how hashtags work. I need someone under 30 to really explain that to me one of these days.
36 year old here. I'll do my best. A hashtag allows you to "tag" a post with a term that other people can use to tag their post as well. If multiple posts use the same hashtag, they can easily be searched for or grouped together to allow common topics to be viewed.
If three people talk about the same thing, but use a different hashtag in each post, there is no common way to group those posts together without using a full text search function in the server-side software. Something that would bring the server to its knees within seconds. The hashtag allows a faster method of tagging a post so that it can be linked to other similar posts.