If you have Facebook, please, PLEASE toss your vote over here for Curlrup - He 's in a contest to win a 3d Printer, and he soooo close!!! There's only a few short hours left , and he's struggling to remain on top. Your vote REALLY counts!!! it's gonna end up being less then 10 votes between first (wins a printer) and second (no win a printer, sad panda) place...
The only reason why I did this is because I know a lot of folks don't go into OT that often, but *might* be willing to take 15 seconds out of their day to help a fellow PFFer win a printer! This thread will drop away into oblivion after tomorrow, but for the next few hours, it can mean the difference between Curlrip winning or not.
Hope you choose to help him, and have a awesome weekend.
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 11-21-2014).]
If you have access to multiple accounts, you can log on to them and vote from them also. I just ran through all the accounts for our son and daughters plus a couple of "mule" accounts my wife uses to send her stuff for games she plays.
If you have access to multiple accounts, you can log on to them and vote from them also. I just ran through all the accounts for our son and daughters plus a couple of "mule" accounts my wife uses to send her stuff for games she plays.
Yeah, I just did that with my son's account.
Originally posted by Fiero Vampire:
Voted, R2 Rocks!
Fangs a lot, FV!
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 11-22-2014).]
Love my Fiero Family!!! You guys rock. I will try to make you guys a 3D printed Key chain or something for your efforts! Thank you Digital for drumming up some extras!!! If you can keep voting! There is 20 minutes left and I am up by only 6 votes!!
Love my Fiero Family!!! You guys rock. I will try to make you guys a 3D printed Key chain or something for your efforts! Thank you Digital for drumming up some extras!!! If you can keep voting! There is 20 minutes left and I am up by only 6 votes!!
Doing the best I can. Hope my wife and son don't mind signing up for Facebook for a day or two... Heh...
Ended in a tie! The rules say 50% of your score is votes and 50% is creativity of your project...looks like it is up to the company that makes the machine now....Oy Vey
The rules say 50% is votes and 50% is creativity of the entry. So I guess the company giving the machine away has to decided what is better R2D2 or stupid Barn owls.
The rules say 50% is votes and 50% is creativity of the entry. So I guess the company giving the machine away has to decided what is better R2D2 or stupid Barn owls.
I really appreciate it guys!!! My mother inlaw says if you go back to the page it shows me as the winner under the winner tab......I can't see that I refresh that page and get a contest over message...anyone else see it? I might have won!
The rules say 50% is votes and 50% is creativity of the entry. So I guess the company giving the machine away has to decided what is better R2D2 or Barn owls.
Hmmm. I <3 Owls, but R2D2...AND the space shuttle?
"Tell us why you need a da Vinci 1.0
I am an artist, tinkerer, and Maker. I need a da Vinci to make art, make prototypes, and owl bobblehead prototypes! Why? Because they would be SOOOoo cute! That, and my fusion reactor design needs a bit more tweaking before it is ready for the prototype stage. But OWLS!! Cuuuuute!! "
Artist, Tinkerer AND a Maker? Well, I'm not going to say anthing bad against this person, iI just hope you win...because DROIDS!!!! (and Fieros, and Optimus Prime, and well, DROIDS!!!)
I hope you win it, and I hope you print out an IMOOV robot.
That was too much excitement, I'm goin' to bed... LOL