More BBBS (Big Brother Bull****) (Page 2/3)
maryjane JUL 17, 07:31 AM

Originally posted by 2.5:

It is rediculous.
Basically saying "This is America so we have to talk in a way that makes people feel free". (for now, muhuhuhuhhaha)

Also common to throw up stats that are clearly not accurate (600k), due to all the inaccurate ways of measuring and agenda driven statistics stacking fail upon fail, with the objective simply to get a scary number to reference later.

You have any real proof of that? (other than some youtuber saying it)
It's a common belief among many, that the covid death count is UNDER, not over counted.

[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 07-17-2021).]

Jonesy JUL 17, 09:40 AM

Originally posted by OldGuyinaGT:

Apparently the White House now believes it has a 'right' to know the immunization status of all Americans.

HHS Secretary Becerra: 'Absolutely the government's business' to know which Americans haven't been vaccinated

The Secretary says: "To be clear: government has no database tracking who is vaccinated." Well, I can tell you that at least in Colorado and several other states they do. I was vaccinated in March. In May, the State of Colorado began holding a monthly lottery for $1 million a month for anyone vaccinated, as an incentive program. I was automatically entered. Interesting how that happens with a government that "has no database tracking who is vaccinated."

I don't care that the government knows I've been vaccinated; I care that it thinks it has a right to know that i've been vaccinated.

While you may be correct about what your state is doing with the lottery, but i doubt it, more like a extreme incentive to try to get more people vaccinated, your vaccination status is recorded by whomever gives you the shot, there your on record, and i have no doubt your state officials have access to that record. What does that have to do with the white house? That's your state doing it, not the white house, unless you have evidence to prove otherwise. Although it would not surprise me if the White house has access as well.

I have no doubt most states are keeping record of who gets vaccinated. Hell you go to get the shot and they take all your info and give you a vac card. There, your on record as having been vaccinated. At the very least your state government likely has a record. I got vaccinated while Trump was still in office, so should i blame Trump that my state of Alabama has recorded that i have been vaccinated?

2.5 JUL 19, 08:23 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

You have any real proof of that? (other than some youtuber saying it)
It's a common belief among many, that the covid death count is UNDER, not over counted.

It is common belief that many covid deaths were deaths of other causes.
2.5 JUL 19, 08:29 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I come down on the side
This puts me on the same side as Ezekiel
This also puts me on the same side as Patricia

I don't care much about sides.
sourmash JUL 20, 08:16 AM
Been trying to remember the month, maybe it was March, wherein the CDC listed 9,XXX deaths due to Covid19. I believe it was Dec the total was 6,XXX deaths.

The press and government-lead press make it safe for people to regurgitate their BS.
They're so sure of their data that you will be banned from social media for disagreeing with their propaganda or for posting anything that disproves their claims.
maryjane JUL 20, 08:31 AM

Originally posted by 2.5:

It is common belief that many covid deaths were deaths of other causes.

Originally posted by maryjane:

You have any real proof of that? (other than some youtuber saying it)

sourmash JUL 20, 09:06 AM
It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them they've been fooled.

Covid19 as the only listed cause of death was first reported on CDC's site as 6,000+. A couple months later in 2021 it was 9,000+.

Pompeo saying this is a live exercise.
2.5 JUL 22, 02:16 PM

Originally posted by maryjane:

Not sure what you would require, but Ill give you one link as an example. If youd rather not investigate more thats up to you.
rinselberg JUL 22, 03:27 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

Not sure what you would require, but Ill give you one link as an example. If youd [maryjane] rather not investigate more thats up to you.

Here's how that article starts:

Q: Are hospitals inflating the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths so they can be paid more?

A: Recent legislation pays hospitals higher Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients and treatment, but there is no evidence of fraudulent reporting.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 07-22-2021).]

sourmash JUL 22, 05:02 PM
So, yes, they're paying more for covid patients.

At my mom's nursing home people get diagnosed with covid, go into a special location and then transfer back to their room after a number of days. Happened to my mom. She is no different than she was before. Sorta suspicious.

My mom is older than the state of Israel. Oh, and she's mostly just in her bed with chair activity now and then when staff gets her up.

[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 07-22-2021).]