Actually more of got promoted at work so I have less time, plus I have since gotten married so no cash either lol. I am actually just looking for a nice front bumper that wont cost me an arm and a leg, then I am off to the junkyard to pull some small parts. I will actually start to prep for paint once I get everything bodywise done. My friend and I are actually going to sand and paint our own cars once we get all our parts and an 80 gallon compressor. If yall get a lead on a good bumper for under $150 shipped, give me a pm.
Also, once I get some time off( probally sunday) I will try and post some pics of the car as it is at the moment.
[This message has been edited by 88Slayer (edited 02-19-2010).]
I do actually have the bumper from a maroon 87 gt on it at the moment. JUst about to start sanding parts and priming in the next week or so. Still need a new gt bumper to finish.
We started to sand the car to get it ready for priming. We decided to start on the passenger side and work our way from the front towards the back.
First up on the chopping block was the front fender
Here is my pal Alex starting to sand down the old paint.
We decided to strip it down to the base material since I have 2 extra fenders.
My wife having fun with the DA sander.
My car as we left it at the end of the day.
We did tidy up a bit of course. And yes we did take down the pieces that were air drying. We plan to turn Alex's garage into a makeshift paintbooth tomorrow and try to prime the sanded pieces.
Feel free to give tip and advice, especially if you know good places to buy paint at less than extortionate prices.
Just about to get my car back from the shop today. I had to send it in in order to get my Rear Brake Calipers rebuilt and installed since they have been inoperable for the last 4 years. So now I am sporting a good set of calipers, new pads, and brand new drilled rotors. Also, I will be able to really move on the sanding and priming as my friend and I just managed to procure a 60 gallon air compressor with a 6hp motor. No more borrowing a 35 gallon compressor that barely does the work. Ill start posting more pics of the process as we go.
I went with the "Special" lenses from the FieroStore as I am on a budget and the imperfections are too slight to really notice. Everything is apart and ready for reassembly
Colored parts are in, ready to button up.
And now the new tail lights are ready fro the install.
So they say these lenses have imperfections, but to me these look good. What exactly are the imperfections supposed to be?
This build looks great! I am new to the forum and would really like to do this sometime. I was wondering if there were any issues getting the black plastic wheel well liners to fit with the gt panels. I had heard that these differ between some years and are also different between se and gt. looks great. id love to see an update.