The primary damage is in the rear driver's side. Of course I didn't capture that last night. I'll take some more pictures in the daylight later when is cools off. Its a scorcher in Houston today. Here's one of the on-line picture from the ad listing I purchased from. However, the paint is a bit more faded after years in the sun.
Originally posted by Sage:
Don't see much evidence of the accident in those pics.
What and how much damage is there?
Looking forward to see how you bring this one back to topnotch.
Took a few more pictures today. After giving the car a good look over, the actual body work needed is not that bad. The paint took a real beating sitting in the sun for years. Also need to go through all the mechanic. The rear left tailpipe was bend and is crimped due to accident. I see a new exhaust system coming. The interiors was extremely dusty and as my daughter said yucky!!! My bodyman is going to try and make it by the house to check out this week.
The center panel on the bumper is in the car.
[This message has been edited by dominic355 (edited 06-18-2016).]
Finally got the rear hatch open and was able to get the top off and also look at the rear damage a little closer.
It's sitting higher due to the latch being off due to accident. I have wedged to prevent it from fully closing. It took a lot of wiggle and jiggling to get open. No worried that fluid on the driveway it not from #63
I'm definitely going with California side mirrors.
[This message has been edited by dominic355 (edited 06-20-2016).]