Sound off if you got your Flu shot (Page 3/3)
Blacktree OCT 22, 03:27 PM

Originally posted by 2.5:

They dont run out do they?

There have been occasions when that happened.
Fiero Thomas OCT 22, 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Blacktree:

There have been occasions when that happened.

Wasnt that a few years ago. Nobody had them. Had to drive around and ended up at a doctors office that had a few so I got mine.
MidEngineManiac OCT 22, 11:45 PM
No, no, no, no,no...

Did that once, and the billions of nanobots in that shot tried to make me quit smoking, drinking, give up coffee and sex, and join the priesthood.

It was one HELL of a fight, and I aint doing that again !!
williegoat OCT 23, 03:14 AM

(flue, shot)
2.5 OCT 23, 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Fiero Thomas:

Wasnt that a few years ago. Nobody had them. Had to drive around and ended up at a doctors office that had a few so I got mine.

Probly the year the H1N1 or something of the like was in the news.
rinselberg OCT 23, 11:57 AM
I should have one. I have in most previous years, but I went without the vaccine that was released towards the end of 2017. Did not suffer a bad case of influenza, although maybe I had a mild case. I know I had some "colds" between the fall of 2017 and the onset of spring or summer 2018.

It's "important" to remember that the Spanish influenza pandemic is commonly said to have been a contributing factor in the relatively early demise of John and Horace Dodge in 1920. The brothers were only in their 50s when they passed.

The Dodge commercials with the "reincarnated" Dodge brothers were (are) very beguiling, but the real story of their lives is not so picture-perfect.

For anyone who needs to "burn" a few more minutes here today...

"The Real Story Of The Dodge Brothers"
Pam for GoRetro(.com)

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 10-23-2018).]

steve308 OCT 30, 08:32 AM
Lambo nut OCT 30, 08:56 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I should have one. I have in most previous years, but I went without the vaccine that was released towards the end of 2017. Did not suffer a bad case of influenza, although maybe I had a mild case. I know I had some "colds" between the fall of 2017 and the onset of spring or summer 2018.

It's "important" to remember that the Spanish influenza pandemic is commonly said to have been a contributing factor in the relatively early demise of John and Horace Dodge in 1920. The brothers were only in their 50s when they passed.

The Dodge commercials with the "reincarnated" Dodge brothers were (are) very beguiling, but the real story of their lives is not so picture-perfect.

For anyone who needs to "burn" a few more minutes here today...

"The Real Story Of The Dodge Brothers"
Pam for GoRetro(.com)

This poster^ will deflect every chance they get!

Rickady88GT OCT 30, 09:20 AM
Never did, never will.
Monkeyman OCT 30, 08:57 PM
Never got one until last year. Got one then and got another last Sunday. Had a headache ever since. I figure it'll go away in a couple of days. I only got one because I moved in w/my aging parents and they didn't want to get the flu from me. I'm over 50 so I'll probably get one every year now.