The Trump Impeachment Proceedings (Page 11/49)
rinselberg DEC 05, 12:59 PM
"Legislate, Investigate, Litigate."

Y'all can think of her as LIL' Nancy.

If you saw her this morning, less than an hour ago (I think) you likely heard her say that.

"Mitch" said just the other day that it is inconceivable that the Senate will arrive at the Two Thirds of all voting members to remove him from office.

I'm just calling it a "long shot."

I think it's a lead (Pb) pipe cinch that the House will approve Articles of Impeachment on a very sharply divided partisan or D vs R kind of vote. There could be a few "D"s in the House that will not approve the Articles. Not a single "R" will approve the Articles. (Justin Amash, not an "R" anymore. I have to think he will vote to approve the Articles.)

My sources have said that Mitch McConnell is not likely to try to avoid an IT (impeachment trial) in the Senate with a motion to dismiss, but that even if he tried it, he wouldn't have the simple majority vote that would be required. The motion would be opposed by almost every Senator with a "D", and there would be enough "R"s that would prefer to have an IT. Even if they expect to conduct themselves in such a way that not one of the Articles or charges (indictments, in effect) will receive the Two Thirds ...

Using "IT"... more polite than using that "dirty I-word." If you can believe that. I'm not sure I can believe that. OK, it's a pun.

Y'all be able to remind me soon--early next year--if I was "not seeing things too clear" when I submitted this message. Bonus points if you get the cultural reference.

That's what I think is goin' down. It's not an opportune moment for me to say anything more about this.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-05-2019).]

cliffw DEC 05, 02:45 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:
"Legislate, Investigate, Litigate."

Y'all can think of her as LIL' Nancy.
If you saw her this morning, less than an hour ago (I think) you likely heard her say that.

LIL' Nancy, do you mean Nancy Botox ?
What did they legislate that passed ? Perhaps Madam Speaker ought to read the "Art of the Deal".

Investigate ? With a 'guilty' conclusion they want to be true.

Litigate ? With unfair hearings ?

Originally posted by rinselberg:
"Mitch" said just the other day that it is inconceivable that the Senate will arrive at the Two Thirds of all voting members to remove him from office.

I'm just calling it a "long shot."

It is best to remember that to other be thought of as brain dead, it is best not to open your mouth and to be proved so.

Originally posted by rinselberg:
I think it's a lead (Pb) pipe cinch that the House will approve Articles of Impeachment on a very sharply divided partisan or D vs R kind of vote.

Nancy Botox says that will not be good.

Originally posted by rinselberg:
My sources ...

Your source ? Or the voices in your head, from MSNBC, CNN, et al.

Originally posted by rinselberg:
Y'all be able to remind me soon--early next year--if I was "not seeing things too clear" when I submitted this message. Bonus points if you get the cultural reference.

We won't have to remind you, you will know.

I don't know of a cultural reference, nor do I need bonus points. Curious though.

williegoat DEC 05, 03:05 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

My sources have said that Mitch McConnell is not likely to try to avoid an IT (impeachment trial) in the Senate with a motion to dismiss, but that even if he tried it, he wouldn't have the simple majority vote that would be required. The motion would be opposed by almost every Senator with a "D", and there would be enough "R"s that would prefer to have an IT. Even if they expect to conduct themselves in such a way that not one of the Articles or charges (indictments, in effect) will receive the Two Thirds ...

Why would he want to avoid such a great opportunity to expose the facts to the harsh light of day? I would love to see the Bidens squirm testify.

Originally posted by cliffw:

I don't know of a cultural reference, nor do I need bonus points. Curious though.

Another one of renselberg's starry eyed "show tune" references, I'll bet you are shocked, huh?
rogergarrison DEC 05, 05:21 PM
A little digging found some of Pelosi's skeletons. Her father was in a very cozy relationship with the Boston mob boss. Her brother was accused in a gang rape of 2 girls, 11 and 13. He was acquitted by a purported payoff. Her son was charged with a securities fraud scheme.. but acquitted for lack of evidence. Snopes reports (which I accept with a grain of salt usually) reported everything in accusations was lacking enough evidence to base as truth or not. The only thing Snopes agreed with was Pelosi being the owner of a pizza shop that operated a child **** ring was found to be untrue.
blackrams DEC 05, 05:43 PM

Originally posted by rogergarrison:

A little digging found some of Pelosi's skeletons.

They all have skeletons in the dark and deep closets and I don't care which side of the aisle we're talking about. Show me a Politician that left office poorer than when they were elected. The question in my mind is, is this an impeachable offense. Was this request for investigation only benefitting President Trump or, do we have a right to know what Hunter Biden got paid to do and what VP Biden did to help himself and son.

Personally, I still want to know what Hunter Biden got paid to do and what he actually did. The question of whether or not the request of President Trump for an investigation was just for his benefit or for ours appears to be dependent on which side of the aisle you reside on.


Boondawg DEC 05, 06:57 PM

Originally posted by blackrams:

They all have skeletons in the dark and deep closets and I don't care which side of the aisle we're talking about. Show me a Politician that left office poorer than when they were elected.


Originally posted by blackrams: The question in my mind is, is this an impeachable offense.

I believe it was.

Originally posted by blackrams:Was this request for investigation only benefitting President Trump or, do we have a right to know what Hunter Biden got paid to do and what VP Biden did to help himself and son.

I believe he attempted it for his own political gain.
I don't believe he cares one bit about corruption unless it benefits him.
He's untrustworthy, plain and simple.

Originally posted by blackrams:
Personally, I still want to know what Hunter Biden got paid to do and what he actually did.

Oh, I'm sure those doing the hiring thought it couldn't hurt hiring the son of an influential politician.
Whether anyone made an actual deal as a condition of employment is what is worth knowing.

Originally posted by blackrams:The question of whether or not the request of President Trump for an investigation was just for his benefit or for ours appears to be dependent on which side of the aisle you reside on.

I believe anyone that has been on the planet Earth dealing with other humans from all walks of life for any length of time knows full-well exactly what he was trying to do, regardless of where one stands politically.
He tried to do what he has always tried to do as a businessman; Increase the odds in his favor.
By hook or crook.

It's the proven nature of his known character.
He may have been the hopeful lessor of two evils, but we shouldn't be in the market for evils at all.

We deserve better, but who that could be I have no idea.
Nothing within current eyesight, that's for sure.

P.S. That being said, impeachment is not something I desire. It's not going to bring us together as a nation, it's going to tear us farther apart.
In this instance of attempt, I would much rather see some lessor alterative, i.e. warning/reprimand/censure etc.
Tony Kania DEC 05, 08:46 PM
I put a fresh coat of paint on the shop walls today after spending the earlier part of the week prepping. Five gallons of primer and five gallons of paint.

Thanks President Trump for Making America Great Again!

Again, friends, family, and neighbors. Look around you. Who is prospering? Why are they prospering? Who is failing? Wash, rinse, repeat.

A very small percentage of America is anti-Trump. Some complain, while others accomplish.

[This message has been edited by Tony Kania (edited 12-05-2019).]

randye DEC 06, 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Boondawg:

I believe it was.

You don't know an impeachable offense from a peach pie.

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 12-06-2019).]

blackrams DEC 06, 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Boondawg:

I believe anyone that has been on the planet Earth dealing with other humans from all walks of life for any length of time knows full-well exactly what he was trying to do, regardless of where one stands politically.
He tried to do what he has always tried to do as a businessman; Increase the odds in his favor.
By hook or crook.

It's the proven nature of his known character.
He may have been the hopeful lessor of two evils, but we shouldn't be in the market for evils at all.

We deserve better, but who that could be I have no idea.
Nothing within current eyesight, that's for sure.

P.S. That being said, impeachment is not something I desire. It's not going to bring us together as a nation, it's going to tear us farther apart.
In this instance of attempt, I would much rather see some lessor alterative, i.e. warning/reprimand/censure etc.

Precisely, what would a "lessor alterative" accomplish? Would you prefer a "Time Out". I'd support taking his Twitter account away. Congress is so wrapped up in this, nothing is getting done. There are Bi-Partisan bills waiting to be voted on just sitting on some shelf that both sides are for and yet, there they sit. At least President Trump is still marching forward for all of our benefit. Remember, I'm one of those folks that don't like him much...….

Your beliefs are obviously very biased. I have admitted many times that I am not a Trump fan. I don't really like him personally. Having said that, I do agree with the vast majority of his policies. Regardless of how I feel about the President personally, I believe that everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Have you watched any of the inquiries/proceedings? Any fair minded person can see this is and has been a focused attempt to bring him down by hook or crook for political gain. Again, I don't like him, his tweeting or his inflated ego but, that has nothing to do with his right to a fair trial by an impartial jury.

If you believe everything you've heard or read that has been put out by a very biased media, then you are not someone who I would want on any jury.

As a registered Democrat with Conservative views, I'm embarrassed by the Democratic leadership. I won't be changing my party affiliation any time soon but, this lynching will definitely effect how and who I vote for in the future. I suspect and hope these proceedings will result in new Democrat leadership. I'm disgusted with all the I've been watching.

2.5 DEC 06, 10:31 AM
I'm still basically ignoring the "impeachment".

It is a shiny distraction.