F40 replica aka "operation turd polish" (Page 1/61) |
MAY 01, 09:20 PM
Found this on craigslist, ugly but the guy took my lowball offer so I went for it. This thing is UGLY! The lines are waaaaay off the real thing. I hate the bolt on rear quarter windows, plus the guy painted the side and rear window black so people couldnt see the lil v6. I dunno how he drove it, U cant see anything from the blind spot or the back window. This things been neglected in every way. Fiberglass cracks everywhere, rear wing was about to fall off, some goober tried to bondo it back on lol).
Anywho, Ima clean this up and probably resell it.
Got tons of fiberglass reshaping to do and a buncha misc stuff to fix. No fuel gauge or temp, speedo and tach are all over. motor runs but like crap
stay tuned for the madness(n Ill have lotsa mechanical questions too)

MAY 01, 09:32 PM
That nose is so far off from the real thing it kills the whole car for me, Cant even see the front wheels, theyre 3" inside the wheelwell! The rear wheels are 11.5" wide and he has a bald 245/50/16 on there and the sides of the tire go outward to fit the wheels.
Look at the lines on the hood Ugghh

these bolt on acrylic windows are so cheesy u could make a quesadilla

MAY 01, 09:52 PM
Wow! Whatta waste of effort, building that! Making the molds and all!
Good luck with your turd!
MAY 01, 10:04 PM
So Ive had this for 3 weeks now. Got it running reliably, got a new cat and it passed smog so I got my reg. Took 3 cans off goof off to clean the back window enough so I can see out of it and my new side windows give me a blind spot view. I made a fiberglass sill between the windows so the new back window will tuck in behind it and only has screw thats hidden. Pulled off the drip rail the other day trying to get these windows looking better. Ive cut the fenderwell twice now trying to get the over the wheelwell shape and make the hood lines match up to the doors. Raised the front of the doors 1.5" so the lines line up w the hood. narrowed the front 4 inches in the front to get a better curve to the headlights, The whole noe looks too boxy. Hood is still 3 inches too long and the curve around the headlitghs is too shallow, and the groove is too low. See where I put electrical tape where the line should be. Then I can make the lower front scoops bigger as theyre too small too. Also found some hex aluminum and made the back grille. Wonder what the guy was smoking when he made this kit

MAY 01, 11:31 PM
You've obviously got a much larger bar of turd polish than I do. Good luck and I'll keep checking back to see your progress!
MAY 02, 12:15 AM
Was that listed in the sf bay area craigslist? I think I remember seeing it there for a while. Good luck on the fix up![This message has been edited by liv4God (edited 05-02-2017).]
MAY 02, 12:25 AM
quote | Originally posted by shemdogg:
...some goober tried to bondo it
You must be an old fart. 
MAY 02, 03:33 AM
Good luck. That is a lot of effort to turn around and sell it though.
MAY 02, 02:18 PM
Doesn't look all that bad. I always thought the nose was the least real looking on most of those.
MAY 02, 03:03 PM
Have fun. I'll try to stay tuned for "Operation Turd Flush"
