**** off, the whole lot of you. (Page 3/3)
Jason88Notchie APR 17, 03:56 PM
Maybe he became a Satanist again.
theBDub APR 17, 04:45 PM
This forum has been nothing but good to you.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
pontiackid86 APR 18, 01:23 AM
HOLY CHIT WE HAVE A TRASH CAN THREAD AFTER ALL THESE YEARS... brian calm down what the problem is?
James Bond 007 APR 18, 10:18 AM
Im not even going there, so, neener, neener, neener...
Formula88 APR 18, 01:44 PM
Must be in response to this thread.

I missed the train wreck. Most of his posts have followed a predictable pattern:
1. Proclaim superiority to everyone
2. Ask for help in his time of need
3. Complain about the lack of help received
Rinse, repeat.

One day he'll learn, if he's lucky, that the common denominator in all his problems is him.
Holding onto hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
James Bond 007 APR 18, 02:02 PM
DL10 APR 18, 05:25 PM
Some people you can't help, I think Brian is one of these people. Lots of people have tried to help, lots have donated to the cause with little appreciation from him. It seems he likes to burn all the bridges he crosses
pontiackid86 APR 18, 11:55 PM
I will stick up for him in this sense. Brian is a really cool dude and will help anyone if he is needed, he's been there with me on quite a few fiero endeavor's and I do consider him a friend. misunderstood very but Brian you really do need to get yourself together bro. I don't know how old you are and I don't have much of a place to talk considering my job I have now is the longest I've ever held one but ligit dude. you need to find something you are good at and do it. I remembered when I told you yo get your CDL you almost were acting as if it were below you to do that job, tough love here dude but when your not making a pay check shoveling dog sh!t in the texas sun is not even below you. I learned this god knows how any times mouthed off to countless bosses been brought into the office for an ass chewing and firing many times because I always thought I was better than all of that and looking back now compared to what I do now yea it is below me but I've worked my ass off to get where I'm at. you can do the same thing to. PA will pay for you to get some sort of in demand training to do give you a skill set to go do something with your life. 3 months of truck driving school a grant from PA and $1200 out of my own pocket and now 3 years later I have a job where I make back my investment and some in under a week, my suggestion to you is take that gun you bought sell it back and take the rest of that money go to PA career link and see what kind of job training they can offer you. if its in demand the will give you up to (I think) a $4500 grant to gain a skill set you have to put up with a bunch of harassing mail as to how you are using that skill set for 2 years after you complete it but its not required that you answer... believe me dude there were plenty of times where I thought of hanging up my CDL my 1st job with werner sucked... I made just enough to live on the road. my second local job sucked to. $13.50 an hour to run a lumber truck with a moffit. Gypum express I had no complaints about, I did not teach me anything about trucking itself but it taught me how to deal with stressful situations with co-workers in a more adult manner than taking the I'm always right stance. From there I moved on to FedEx freight where im now making .60 cents per a mile when driving $24 an hour when im o a fork lift and actually get paid to sit in traffic drop and hook my trailers and fuel my truck. I'm not saying this to brag but just over a month ago I too home a paycheck for $1500 after taxes and all other pay checks have been between $900-$1200 take home. Its doable for you dude maybe not trucking as you need to develop thick skin very fast but there is something out there that will suit what you want to make your self into... don't take the easy way out dude. I just lost my brother to a suicide 7 months ago, lost my seinor prom date to a suicide 9 months ago and lost countless friends to other types of deaths over the past few years, I'm tired of burying people I consider friends to me. go down to career link and get the ball rolling you wont believe how simple it is to do something with your life.

Stay strong dude. I know I but your stones a lot but I really do want the best for you dude

[This message has been edited by pontiackid86 (edited 04-18-2015).]

Stubby79 APR 29, 08:30 AM
I'd give ya another positive, but it won't let me. I enjoy seeing people tell others off. Much better than the disgusting habit of saying one thing to people's faces and thinking another entirely. So yeah, you're welcome back as far as I'm concerned. Hope to see you soon!