According to the event's website, this year they are opening up the show area for parking at 1pm (Friday, August 29th). I will be there early or on-time.
If the weather is good, there could be 600 - 700 cars or more in attendance.
Early weather forecast stays Friday's high temp will be 83 deg with a 60% chance of showers. Hope that changes...
If the weather is clear, I was thinking of putting together a meet at the Wal-Mart parking lot near the I-69 and State Hwy 8 interchange in Auburn, around 12 noon. If we drive downtown and enter the show grounds as a group, we will get to park together.
I am planning on being there, unless it rains all day ( I don't sit in the rain ). I see they have the rain chance at 40 % according to news 15. Glad to see you are planning on coming Joe, I was afraid it would just be two of us. My wife says to tell you another parking lot , we have to stop meeting that way.LOL
As of 9:08 PM Wednesday, my Accuweather app says there is a 55-61% chance of showers and thunderstorms all day Friday.
If it rains in the morning or even early afternoon, but then clears up before late afternoon, I'm pretty sure the show will go on. If it rains all day and/or there is a threat of severe weather, I have to assume they will cancel the show.
Needless to say, if it is raining at noon, I won't be meeting anyone at the Wal-Mart parking lot. But I'll keep a close eye on the weather radar and if it looks like it will clear up (and stay clear for the rest of the evening), I will head up that way.
If the weather affects the WalMart meet up, how about we try for parking together on the street just west of the brew pub?
If we don't drive downtown together, it is highly likely we will NOT be allowed to park together or hold spots for friends who may be arriving later.
Parking arrangement is first come, first served; and directed by show officials. And they are going to fill it up as you come in and probably not let you hold spots for people who have not yet arrived. The other issue is that in years past, it has been so darn busy and crowded, a late-comer isn't going to even be able to get to where someone held a spot open to them if it is very deep within the show area.
Latest accuweather forecast says rain at 10am tomorrow, but clear thru 3pm (that's as far ahead as the hour-by-hour forecast goes at this moment). 42% chance of rain during the day and a 61% chance at night.
I took quite a few pictures at this one. Around 5pm I heard the attendance exceeded 600 cars and was expected to eclipse the 700 mark before nightfall.
Every year I say I'm going to go, and every year my car is still in pieces. I finally got the new clutch on, trans on engine, engine on cradle, cradle in car, and I know I should be out there working on it right now but I'm just not feeling it. I'll be on it tomorrow and all weekend for sure.