A couple points:
First - - There have been members of the Mile High Fiero Club that attend WestFest, but no Left Coasters have yet attended Gunnison, FWIW.
Second - - However, this thread is NOT about WestFest, or any other event except Gunnison for that matter. I don't hijack WestFest threads, would appreciate it if the California folks wouldn't hijack mine.
Third - - Even though WestFest is a Fiero-only show, the more widely known and successful events nationwide are not - Carlisle and Dells for example. Yet look at the huge Fiero participation and tremendous success these two shows enjoy. Even though the Mile High Fiero Club has our own Fiero-exclusive events, the Gunnison show is the one around here that has the potential to be a smaller Carlisle, if you will. It could fill the tremendous geographical gap between the established shows in the Midwest and those on the West Coast
Fourth - - We Fiero folks are really all in this together, there should be NO competition between any events, localities, or regions in the first place. Holding more and more successful events with Fiero involvement only increases our marques visibility and recognition. The entire Fiero community benefits.
So, all that being said - - let's have a roll call of who can and will attend Gunnison this year . . . . . .
Jan and I will be there.
[This message has been edited by cadero2dmax (edited 03-04-2009).]