Build a snow sled. I have absolutely ZERO interest in riding a big saucer, or box, or piece of linoleum or kiddie swim pool, or any other of that type thing, down the hill in front on my house next week when the snow (supposedly) comes. NO, I do not want to buy a FlexibleFlyer!!
I DO tho, want to ride the path of the runaway watermelon down Bluebird trail on a home made sled.
How do 2 little narrow runners stay atop the snow? What keeps them from just sinking in? How do you guide the thing so as to avoid going under a parked car?
I want to build a larger version of 'Rosebud' but one you sit on, not lay down on. I'm 6'4" 210lbs.
I'm in Colorado, where millions live or visit to slide around on snow by various means.
For sleds that have narrow runners, they do not stay on top of the snow. They sink, compressing the snow into a hard pack or ice beneath them, and slide on that. Surprisingly effective, as long as the snow depth is below the deck of the sled.
Directional control on such sleds is... indefinite. Most sleds of this type with one runner per side, if they steer, do so by flexing the runners left or right. As you can probably imagine, turn radius is very large. If you're building a sled, it may be possible to gain better directional control by using two shorter runners per side, and pivoting the front pair for some primitive steering. A good deal more complex, though. There are a lot of sleds (and bicycle-like devices) like this that are commercially available, but they can be expensive.
For most sleds, the best way to avoid parked cars or other obstacles is to see them far enough in advance to avoid them with whatever steering is available, or... bailing out by rolling off of the sled. Hazardous on hard packed snow or ice, but probably still better than the collision.
Are you expecting much snow? If the accumulation is likely to be only an inch or two, and you still want to slide on it, I'd suggest building something with runners wider than just runners and inch or less wide - maybe something a bit more ski-like. If there are patches where grass or undergrowth is visible, narrow runners may not slide well. Around here, many skiers have "rock skis' - old skis they use in early or late season when they may encounter some uncovered surface - but they still slide.
That helps a great deal!! I do have a sorta set of plans for making one with 3" PVC rails tho in my mind, it would need 'something' to prevent it from sliding a runner under each rail..a knife edge of some kind.
Forecast calls for 1-3" accumulation with ice underneath. The hill I intend to conquer is right in front of my house and goes down for nearly 1/4 mile. I am 74 years oold and this will be my first time on a sled. I have already done the mountain climb and 2.7 seconds on a bull named FuManchu...
I am 74 years old and this will be my first time on a sled. I'm 6'4" 210lbs.
Get Jane to shoot some video with her phone. I'd pay to see video of you careening down your street on one of these! lol
Sounds like your weather in Texas is more wintery than here. This morning was the first time this winter that we've had a light frost on the car windshields. Daytime temps have been around 40°F. Not much sledding going on here at sea level, although there is snow on the local mountains.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-17-2025).]
Get Jane to shoot some video with her phone. I'd pay to see video of you careening down your street on one of these! lol
Sounds like your weather in Texas is more wintery than here. This morning was the first time this winter that we've had a light frost on the car windshields. Daytime temps have been around 40°F. Not much sledding going on here at sea level, although there is snow on the local mountains.
It's fall like weather right now, but that will change tomorrow. Temps will be in the upper teens at night over the weekend, then stay below freezing a few days while moisture comes in on Monday and Tuesday. This happened as well, about 10 days ago, but the moisture missed me by about 50 miles so no snow or ice then.
In regards to steering, the most basic way to turn is to put your heel down (with your legs stretched out in front of you) as a brake on the side you wish to steer into.
The surface of the sled runners are critical to how well the sled will actually slide. It also depends on the type of snow, dry or wet. I remember as a kid building a sled out of an old wagon, and the wooden runners I used just wouldn't slide on the wet snow that we occasionally get (at sea level) here on the coast.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 01-17-2025).]
My only experience with sledding was on a old car hood behind Dad's pickup. That was a blast but that hood was too heavy to drag up the hill.
I did (once) make a running landing with an OH58 on it's skids. Did a 360* while sliding down the runway (on purpose). Probably not the smartest thing I ever did.
Nothing happened but, based on the ass chewing I got from my commander, I never tried that again. Please take pics of your finished product/sled.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 01-17-2025).]
Yeah, steering is a combination (whatever works best) of your heel in the snow like Patrick said (although that is hazardous if there are rocks or other hard/immovable objects in the snow, if doing that, don't lock your knee, keep it bent a bit), your hands off the sides in the snow (my personal favorite), and/or leaning (the runner with the most weight on it will dig in deeper and generate more friction, turning a bit that way) of course sleds are more for straight line fun than steering at all, so if you anticipate decent turns, you'll have to get imaginative, and the best/quickest way to stop is to just roll onto your side into the snow (maybe hold a string with the sled connected so it doesn't continue on without you).
Having been born in England, lived in Delaware, Ohio, Montana, I have done some sledding. I always laid on my belly, face forward. Self protection was bailing. I suppose a lanyard could be attatched to the sled to stop the sled getting away from you upon self ejection.
Steering it seems I remember was done by leaning to one side or the other. Much like on a surf board or skis. Skate boards. The runners were mounted with slight pivot points / mounts.
Your inquiry got me to thinking. When there was no snow, I used to use a child's pull wagon for downhill thrills. Of which the front "suspension" could be steered as it had a central pivot point.
Who needs wood? Or metal? Or even plastic? When there's CARDBOARD!!!
That is neat. They get really creative with their builds.
When I was a kid, I lived on a hill. We did use cardboard to slide down the hill but we did it in August after the grass was brown and dead. It was good fun and all the kids in the neighborhood would spend all weekend sliding down the hill, walking back up and repeating for hours.
The sled, steel rails on an iced farm lane, a curved roadway down a treed ravine's side, death defying velocities, headfirst, around the hairpin, dragging your toes to steer, real thrills, when the snowpack was iced on top, we could make it to the riverbank, 150 yards. We would climb back to the top, 300', all afternoon, until the Sun set before 6pm, - 10° C, walk home a mile, the UFOs in tow, exhausted.
We again, missed our chance for snow and ice.. But it's snowing now, back at my old place in East Texas, in the city of Houston and on the upper Texas coast.
We again, missed our chance for snow and ice.. But it's snowing now, back at my old place in East Texas, in the city of Houston and on the upper Texas coast.
Sorry to hear that.
Being an old guy, I will always revert to the Flexible Flyer / Yankee Clipper / Speedway sleds- belly down. Spent a lot of my youth doing that, no video games back then. We always laid out a straight sled path so turning wasn't a big deal. You might want to check out antique or 2nd hand shops for one of those old sleds, you might be surprised. Clean & polish then wax the runners.
Here is another sled thing, I suspect they will have over 12" of ice after this past weekend. These toboggans can get going pretty fast. Not dependent on snow just ice...