Looks like it is just at the funding stage right now but dam I sure would like one of these little choppers when they come out !
Quadcopter and drones are definitely a good way to capture some really amazing perspective shots. But, do they come cheap? Moreover, they require a lot of care while flying because one wrong move and they come tumbling down to the ground. So what’s the next best solution to this problem? Well, reduce the size of the flying machine, only so much that is can take amazing photographs and shoot HD videos. 3D Pocketcopter is that flying machine which has set Indiegogo, crowd-funding platform on fire with 705% more funding that the minimum funding amount required.
http://www.damngeeky.com/20...rgeted-everyone.htmlVideo at the link supposedly from this mini choppers camera.
Technology is great when it works,
and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.