Rather than continue on in a few threads that have negative -slanted titles,perhaps we can continue here towards positive development. There's much good advice in those threads, but I'll start things off with one which was very good:
Originally posted by Doug85GT:
You don't like who you are today. That is fine. You can change that immediately.
Decide who you want to be. Think about it for a while and keep thinking about it. Then change your thoughts, actions and habits to become that person.
and anytime you find your mind wandering to your old self , and the crap (memories, stuff, negative people) attached to it, steer yourself back onto the new path you have set up. It's hard to do at first (since youy have lived that old life for most of your life) But it gets easier.
You are in control of who you are. Become the person you want to be. You can start right now. It does not take any profound insight or great tasks. It starts with small thoughts, and small actions.
We won't be taking showers of any kind at any time together, mayjane. Sorry to inject this negativity, TDA, and I won't do it again, but maryjane needed some clarification.
We won't be taking showers of any kind at any time together, mayjane. Sorry to inject this negativity, TDA, and I won't do it again, but maryjane needed some clarification.
You become what you think about all day long. I believe in the law of attraction, think about positive things and people and you will attract positive things and people, and vice versa.
TDA! You are awesome 🙆 bro. I love all the stuff you are posting.
I'm going to set out time to watch/listen to this today. I love Adam Carolla, but not in that shower, sharing the same straw type of way, but I've been a big fan for many years.
Hey, just wanted to keep everyone updated on my mental well being, but keeping it out of the negative titled thread. We can let that one die.
I'm doing so much better now. The Brother in law is gone, wife, roommate, and I have had a chance to talk about everything that has transpired of the last two days. We are all good with eachother and have agreed to forget that this week ever happened. We all see now that he's been the one causing the issues, lying, and passing blame onto everyone else but him.
As i said in the other thread, I still do realize that I need help with the issues that I do have, but they aren't as pronounced as he made me to believe they were. He had me believing that I was the cause of the entire blow up that night. And that my actions were going to tear my marriage apart.
I am no longer even remotely suicidal and I wanted to sincerely thank each and every one who posted help and advice in my initial thread. The support was needed more than I can ever explain. I'll try to keep everyone updated on my mental health status as I figure out the root of my issues. I honestly know the root of my issues, I just need help in facing them. I already have a great therapist lined up that my roommate is seeing that doesn't prescribe anti depressants and goes more for a holistic approach with meditation and other forms of therapy. I'm actually excited to set up an appointment.
On ward and upward! One day at a time and it's time to make each and every day better than the last.
Just remember to keep up with things, even if you are feeling "super duper". Maybe do the 30 day challenge with us next month... choose a realistic goal.
Have an awesome weekend!
Ps- Cliff, thanks for keeping this forum going
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 09-26-2014).]