Yeh, OK, I can understand she is hurting and upset about her daughters suicide....but she thinks she is going to shut down an entire genre of humor (gallows humor) that has existed for centuries because of her pain. No wonder I hate people. 75% of them think the entire planet revolves around what THEY think.
THIS is what happens when an entire generation grows up being told how special and unique and talented and powerful they are and how THEY can change the world if they want to. (Uh, no, you cant. The best you can do is spout off on the internet to some blogger or forum)
I think anyone should be able to wear anything no matter how it may hurt someone else.
I also reserve the right to beat their uncouth insensitive immature ass until they stop begging me to stop if they make me cry.
I am a firm believer in freedom of choice and public responsibility.
See, this is exactly why I dont get along with most people. My attitude has always been (using the shirt as the example), and it goes back to born-with-it, if you dont like my shirt then look the other way, Nobody is forcing you to stare at it.
It can be a LOT of "fun" (ok, strife) around parents--because in real life I DO tend to swear a lot, I smoke, I drink, I dont always wear a seatbelt, I dont follow procedures, and I generally dont give-a-damn about petty rules, politically-correct policies, safety procedures sometimes ect. In short I am a bad example (LOL, or a good example of what modern parents dont want thier kids to grow up to be ;-)----and my attitute tends to be, if ya dont want your kids seeing it, then dont bring them around my place because I aint changing MY lifestyle to suit YOUR reproductive choices.
Yeh, I tend to do best out in the country away from neighbours and pesky humans.
Originally posted by pokeyfiero: I also reserve the right to beat their uncouth insensitive immature ass until they stop begging me to stop if they make me cry. .
See, this is exactly why I dont get along with most people. My attitude has always been (using the shirt as the example), and it goes back to born-with-it, if you dont like my shirt then look the other way, Nobody is forcing you to stare at it.
It can be a LOT of "fun" (ok, strife) around parents--because in real life I DO tend to swear a lot, I smoke, I drink, I dont always wear a seatbelt, I dont follow procedures, and I generally dont give-a-damn about petty rules, politically-correct policies, safety procedures sometimes ect. In short I am a bad example (LOL, or a good example of what modern parents dont want thier kids to grow up to be ;-)----and my attitute tends to be, if ya dont want your kids seeing it, then dont bring them around my place because I aint changing MY lifestyle to suit YOUR reproductive choices.
Yeh, I tend to do best out in the country away from neighbours and pesky humans.
You mentioned "your place"
Are you saying you Practice this lifestyle only there?
Are you saying you Practice this lifestyle only there?
It makes a difference.
Pretty much, ya.....but I also tend to work alone 80-90% of the time (even now, a HUGE part of the job is either driving or sitting in a home office behind 2 computers, an iPad, and iPhone and a landline) and I only have to be "polite" in-person for about 20 minutes at a time these days so there goes a big chunk of the week.
My kids live with the ex, and are 17 and 18 anyway (old enough to join the army here), and I tend to be sort of anti-social. I have a bit of Asperger's so dont do well in bars, clubs, parties and over the years have learned to avoid them. 90% of my interests/ hobbies are solo-activaties (no, not THAT solo activaty ) playing around in the shop, gaming, target shooting. Really for me a large "social" setting may be an extended family once-a-month thing so yeh, it really DOES pizz me off when some friend-of-a-friend-type tries to say "hey, you cant smoke/drink/swear, there are kids here". Well, you brought 'em and you can leave with 'em....when a girlfriend tries to drag me to one of those, most times its kicking and screaming and crying "I dont wanna go" and 30 minutes after we get there I am ready to leave. I am so anal about it the government passed a law up here about 5 yars ago that you cant smoke in a vehical (even a convertable) with anybody under 18 in it, so my answer was "fine, nobody under 18 permitted in my truck", even my niece. It caused a bit of friction with my brother at 1st but he got over it. Hey, I am obey the law, just maybee not the way it was intended.
If a buddy comes over (or I go there) and we are working on some machine or other, we are 2 or 3 adult guys working on a machine, so YEH, there IS gonna be some beers, smokes and swearing involved. Where that gets to be a problem in a city is when a neighbour 3 doors up wants to walk over and stick his nose where it doesnt belong instead of minding his own damn biz (Last time I had THAT problem was 4-5 weekends ago when I cut up a Dodge Dakota hard toneau cover and made it fit a GMC Sierra, he didnt like a little dust from the project escaping the garage or the sound of the power tools affecting his kids ears. Guess what, dude. You live in one of the most industrial cities in Ontario, get used to it.
Basically, I live a pretty solitary adult lifestyle, surounded by adults when I am with people 90% of the time and I am just not aclimatized to "family values" anymore nor do I intend to re-aclimatize, I did my days of self-restraint for my kids and now its time for me.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-18-2014).]