Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man.
The Facebook post was clearly a joke seeing that dinosaurs no longer exist.
But the comments raise some concerns about how aware people are of that fact.
Reptiles are not evolutionary descendants of the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were not reptiles. Dinosaurs were the evolutionary descendants of archosaurs: reptile-like species that evolved long before dinosaurs. Alligators and all other reptiles also trace their evolution back to archosaurs. The prehistoric reptiles that gave rise by evolution to alligators and all other living reptiles lived side by side with the dinosaurs and lived on after the last dinosaurs went extinct.
A common belief developed quite some years ago that birds are the evolutionary descendants of dinosaurs, but I saw a report just the other day that argues that birds (like reptiles) are derived not from dinosaurs, but from archosaurs that came before dinosaurs and continued partway into the dinosaurs era, before evolving into the first birds and reptiles.
So dinosaurs, reptiles--and now birds, according to some--three lineages that evolved side by side (until the dinosaurs went extinct), and all three lineages diverging from a common ancestor called "archosaurs".
Another of his brilliant ideas is that the Egyptians used domesticated dinosaurs to help them move the rock to build the pyramids....
Off the dinosaurs subject a bit, but I read an interesting theory how the ancient Egyptians used sails (wind power) to move rocks. They would attach wind sails to make them 50 ton blocks move across the sand.
A common belief developed quite some years ago that birds are the evolutionary descendants of dinosaurs, but I saw a report just the other day that argues that birds (like reptiles) are derived not from dinosaurs, but from archosaurs that came before dinosaurs and continued partway into the dinosaurs era, before evolving into the first birds and reptiles.
So dinosaurs, reptiles--and now birds, according to some--three lineages that evolved side by side (until the dinosaurs went extinct), and all three lineages diverging from a common ancestor called "archosaurs".
That should be clear.
To be clear, the work on Scansoriopteryx is still developing as a theory. It does not yet have the mountain of evidence that the theropod-to-bird theory does.
Paleontologists like Bakker have done a lot of work in this area, and while Scansoriopteryx is an intriquing piece of the puzzle, it remains to be seen if there is enough there to convince the scientific community that the therapods (especially the microraptors and their kin) did not evolve into birds.
Off the dinosaurs subject a bit, but I read an interesting theory how the ancient Egyptians used sails (wind power) to move rocks. They would attach wind sails to make them 50 ton blocks move across the sand.
I heard they lifted them up and let the earth rotate under them.
I came across this on Facebook a few days ago and I'm pretty sure that most of the comments were just normal internet trolls. The real idiots I suppose are the folks that believed that these trolls were serious.
With all that being said, I could be completely wrong and there actually could be people dumb enough to believe that this photo was of an actual dinosaur...if so, God help us all
You only need to be a Republican with one of those evil giant SUV's that pollute the universe (after creating imaginary holes in the Earths atmosphere of course).
...what do you mean they are no longer around???! I took this picture of 1 not that long ago out in the bush:
...never mind this bad boy:
And Elvis isn't dead, he simply went back to his home planet.
------------------ Ron Count Down to A Better America: http://countingdownto.com/countdown/196044 Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, his upbringing, his environment, his culture, his mental state but … after a shooting, the problem is the gun?
My Uncle Frank was a staunch Conservative and voted straight Republican until the day he died in Chicago. Since then he has voted Democrat. Shrug