Why don't we just send Congress home? It has become all too apparent now that he intends to bypass Congress every chance he can take. I know that he hasn't signed as many EO's as other presidents. But people really need to look at which one's he using EO's for. They're not small deals. Something's gonna break here soon I think.
I tend to agree, he is bypassing them at every turn ( and warning them that he will if he doesn't get his way ) and they wont stand up and tell him no, its not within his authority to do so. I remember at least one person ( donno if its the house or senate ) that effectively said their job is to give him what he wants..
Umm this isn't how it supposed to work. The president can suggest legislation on the behalf of the citizens, then congress creates/votes passes bills for him to sign or reject. If congress doesn't take his suggestions, tough.
They ALL work for US.. Not each other.
( and i dont care who is in office, they need to follow the process that they sworn to uphold and protect )
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 06-30-2014).]
He has the power to sign executive orders. I just don't know if there's a limit as to what they can be for. But you're right. As long as no one stands up and screams "BS!" he'll do whatever he wants and not face any consequences. I don't think any president should do this. Not with something this big. Aw crap! Now I'm a racist aren't I?
I don't know why everything just can't be an up-or-down vote*...wouldn't that solve a lot of this?
*An up or down vote refers to a direct vote in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate on an amendment or bill; it is sometimes referred to as a "clean vote". Members vote yea or nay on the matter rather than voting on a related procedural maneuver. Depending upon the rules of order for that particular type of amendment or bill, the vote required for passage might be a 2/3 majority, a 3/5 majority, or a simple majority.
Originally posted by Boondawg: I don't know why everything just can't be an up-or-down vote*...
Because we are a Constitutional Republic, where the minority opinion get's protected. Do you really want a wishy washy country where laws are decided on the whims of the moment, which could change again tomorrow ?
I don't know why everything just can't be an up-or-down vote*...wouldn't that solve a lot of this?
*An up or down vote refers to a direct vote in the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate on an amendment or bill; it is sometimes referred to as a "clean vote". Members vote yea or nay on the matter rather than voting on a related procedural maneuver. Depending upon the rules of order for that particular type of amendment or bill, the vote required for passage might be a 2/3 majority, a 3/5 majority, or a simple majority.
That would make life simple would it? But then again, I doubt if many of the issues dealt with on the Hill are simple. So it's not just that easy I'm sure.
Because we are a Constitutional Republic, where the minority opinion get's protected. Do you really want a wishy washy country where laws are decided on the whims of the moment, which could change again tomorrow ?
Because we are a Constitutional Republic, where the minority opinion get's protected. Do you really want a wishy washy country where laws are decided on the whims of the moment, which could change again tomorrow ?
I dont want a democracy. Democracy is manipulable, and only chaos can result. I want people who are educated in the subject(s) to take in consideration the citizens wishes to be doing the voting.
( no that is not what we have today, but it was what we had by design )
I dont want a democracy. Democracy is manipulable, and only chaos can result. I want people who are educated in the subject(s) to take in consideration the citizens wishes to be doing the voting.
( no that is not what we have today, but it was what we had by design )
Not entirely. What we had at the start was a Constitutional Republic where the rule of law was by way of the Constitution. But we're working more towards a majority rule and away from a Constitutional Republic.
Not entirely. What we had at the start was a Constitutional Republic where the rule of law was by way of the Constitution. But we're working more towards a majority rule and away from a Constitutional Republic.
Isn't that what i said? We no longer have what we started with?
This tyrant in chief is just daring the congress to impeach him. He wants to destroy this constitutional republic in any manner that he can get away with. He has done things to initiate this chaos at the border, by his proclamations about the Dream Act. People from other countries have reacted to that. This administration knew this would happen. They already were planning on this in January by trying to hire people to take care of the children that would be coming here. He has caused this with the intent to make it impossible to maintain the border. Even the head of the Immigration and Border control's union has called him out on this. He wants this for a lot of reasons. One of which is to make it seem that the Republicans are being cruel to these children. His goal is to be able to pontificate and demagog about this in the attempt to again change the subject and maybe get some Democrats to get reelected that are in jeopardy right now.
Along with that if they do get the immigration pardon that I think is coming then the Democrats will gain a whole lot of new supporters and dependants. The world has to be looking at us and laughing about how foolish we are.
I just wonder when the Blacks in this country will wake up. If there are a whole lot of illegal immigrants who suddenly become legal, how will that affect the job prospects for them? They will be screwed, just like the poor and middle class whites will be.
Wake up America. We cannot let this dictator keep ruling by fiat. Impeach him. And do it now.
I hope all of you realize that Obama wants 2 billion plus dollars on subject matter issue. The only way to get that kind of cash is to print more dollars, which just devalues our money further. We're more than 17.556 Trillion Dollars in DEBT, and going deeper as we speak everyday. Based on Obama's track record he's been more detrimental to the USA than anyone I've seen in my lifetime. He needs to STFU and balance his checkbook.
If you are a Taxpayer in the USA, each of you are currently liable for $ $1,057,176.00 Dollars you owe the Government.
For god sakes I hope not... I think it should be more strict, one deportation.. you come back its an a hefty prison sentence or if involved with a bad crime an execution.
For god sakes I hope not... I think it should be more strict, one deportation.. you come back its an a hefty prison sentence or if involved with a bad crime an execution.
It isn't JUST Obama either. Here is Nancy Pelosi, at the border. It takes 3 minutes of backslapping to get to her speech. At 3:40 your head will explode!
Her point is that there are no such thing as illegal aliens because we’re already one nation, so the illegals are really just American citizens who were living on the other side of that meaningless border thingy. Read more at ]http://patdollard.com/2014...BwTs3WOD6.99
[This message has been edited by texasfiero (edited 06-30-2014).]
It isn't JUST Obama either. Here is Nancy Pelosi, at the border. It takes 3 minutes of backslapping to get to her speech. At 3:40 your head will explode!
While true, its still part of his administration. His actions promote others under him to follow suit. ( of course this applies to any administration really.. )
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 06-30-2014).]
Her point is that there are no such thing as illegal aliens because we’re already one nation, so the illegals are really just American citizens who were living on the other side of that meaningless border thingy.
I guess i missed that war and us annexing the losers. When did this happen, so i can update my history book? I'm sure the mexican government would be thrilled to be considered non-sovereign...
If this president wants to take executive action then why doesn't he follow the Constitution and secure the border? Then tell all of the illegals that they have to go back where they came from and they can't just walk over the border and become US citizens. Once we have secured the border then and only then should we look to do something with the illegals already here. I suggest that we deal with them the way Canada does. Give them work Visas and let them work, but don't put them ahead of those who followed our laws and give them amnesty. That would just encourage more illegals to come here and demand their "rights" to our system of government and access to all the benefits of being a US citizen including our schools, our SS benefits, our unemployment and welfare. They do not have those things as rights. They are illegal and by definition they should be pursued and sent packing.
I just hate seeing a the country I live in, pay taxes in, work in, and grew up in, being taken over by these south of the boarder free loaders. its stupid and these damn dumocrats are just letting it happen with more or less open arms.
If this president wants to take executive action then why doesn't he follow the Constitution and secure the border? Then tell all of the illegals that they have to go back where they came from and they can't just walk over the border and become US citizens. Once we have secured the border then and only then should we look to do something with the illegals already here. I suggest that we deal with them the way Canada does. Give them work Visas and let them work, but don't put them ahead of those who followed our laws and give them amnesty. That would just encourage more illegals to come here and demand their "rights" to our system of government and access to all the benefits of being a US citizen including our schools, our SS benefits, our unemployment and welfare. They do not have those things as rights. They are illegal and by definition they should be pursued and sent packing.
Securing the border is not his goal. Making America pay for all the wealth it has "stolen" from other nation's is.