is this "attack maryjane month"? sorry, i missed the memo.
Maryjane waxes monkeys AND licks toads. ibtl.
Funny you see it this way, mary is just as guilty of throwing stones as anyone ele. He even started in on me first. As soon as I pionted out the political twist this thread sarted to take Maryjane was chucking stones.
** start extreme dripping sarcasm ** But don't you know that before your kids leave for school you must take a tape measure to their clothing? Every day dammit! ** end extreme dripping sarcasm **
It wouldn't matter as the girls get real creative at adjusting their clothing to reveal as much skin as possible and then re-adjusting it when needed (when teachers ask about it, heading to the office, and prior to returning home).
It wouldn't matter as the girls get real creative at adjusting their clothing to reveal as much skin as possible and then re-adjusting it when needed (when teachers ask about it, heading to the office, and prior to returning home).
Or do as our 15 year old granddaughter was doing. She was taking an extra set of clothing to school and changing, then would change back before coming home.
Or do as our 15 year old granddaughter was doing. She was taking an extra set of clothing to school and changing, then would change back before coming home.
Old trick. My mom told me she was doing that.... in the late 1950's!
So, you can just throw out an insult at conservatives and then pull the " It wasn't me" card? OK, typical liberal response. I guess that is all you got?
So first you lump me in with "the liberals" who supposedly argue for Sharia law in the US (I think you have been drinking...) even though I'm well known on here to be strongly anti-religion and then you complain about me insulting conservatives? Well, I stand by my comment as IMO it's overwhelmingly the conservatives (in the US as well as in countries like Iran, Pakistan or Saudi-Arabia) who have a problem with how women are supposed to dress "modestly".The liberals tend to be.... pretty liberal
[This message has been edited by yellowstone (edited 06-17-2014).]
Or do as our 15 year old granddaughter was doing. She was taking an extra set of clothing to school and changing, then would change back before coming home.
Mine would even swap clothes with her friends once she got to school. I picked her after school one day and she had her shorts rolled up. Her famous quotes were, "everybody does it and the teachers don't care." The next day she had to have all of her teachers sign off that they didn't care-none did. She received extra grounding for the lies and I suspect she was a whole lot more conscientious about following the dress code (or maybe not?).
I knew girls that wore a short skirt under a longer one, and just took the longer one off. Most just rolled up the waistband to the inside to make them as long as they wanted. If it was very much and bulged, they just wore a belt over it.
school policy used to state shoulders had to be covered for my school. So it violated that part. Roger sorry maybe I am old fashion but your pics for everyday wear are just insane. I prefer a girl that can dress in unrevealing clothes I hate skirts that short.
If you got the legs and butt for it, Im all for short skirts. Sometimes her choices were a little more than I liked too. I actually measured a bunch in her closet once on a bet. The LONGEST skirt I found was 14" waist-hem. She was around 5'6". She liked being the center of attention and usually got it. I quit seeing her after a few years...not because of clothes, but because she went to extreme the same way with tatoos and piercings....and those grossed me out.