Horsecrap. The minute people found out pieces of wood made a far better weapon than fists, they used fists only as a last resort. Since this occurred about five minutes after the first fight, the evolution of facial structure was already way behind events. Plus, face bones don't absorb blows well anyway. Fat areas do.
Horsecrap. The minute people found out pieces of wood made a far better weapon than fists, they used fists only as a last resort. Since this occurred about five minutes after the first fight, the evolution of facial structure was already way behind events. Plus, face bones don't absorb blows well anyway. Fat areas do.
Horsecrap. The minute people found out pieces of wood made a far better weapon than fists, they used fists only as a last resort. Since this occurred about five minutes after the first fight, the evolution of facial structure was already way behind events. Plus, face bones don't absorb blows well anyway. Fat areas do.
Wait, this is satire, right, maryjane?
I didn't read the article, but I thought this same thing HeebyJeeby did... well, what he typed + this --> have you seen how fragile the orbital bones are? I know a few people who broke them (upper and/or lower). Not pretty.
Not gonna waste time on jib-jabbering about how evolution works, but I'd think having defensive spines would be better than a tougher skull. Ever try punchin' a buncha nails?
"I'd rather punch a rock then a buncha nails!" - Me
I read it and still don't agree with it. Cromagnum, Neander, all seemed to have more bone density. Only in areas that had isolated humanoid(isolated island south east asian) populations the bone structure were less dense than ours. The thing that seems to have changed the most, is our tactics. Not meaning we got smarter, rather we learned to pass on(teach) hand to hand tactics. Put in the same conditions as our ancestors, most of us would die. 100,000 years ago they survived without complex language, tools, weapons, homes. Now because most of us don't work as well together, we would be eaten or starve. Civilized we are not. As evolved, intelligent we think we are, we do some stupid shazzbot. Common sense, is not common anymore. Most other species will kill their own when needed but not just to kill. My opinion, we have been reverting in evolution the past 5000 years.
Civilized we are not. As evolved, intelligent we think we are, we do some stupid shazzbot. Common sense, is not common anymore. Most other species will kill their own when needed but not just to kill. My opinion, we have been reverting in evolution the past 5000 years.