Not sure why this is even news, but I suppose I heard about the Bush dummy hangings and that MUST have been news too or I would not know about it........ not sure where I am going with this anymore!
It was standard fare to mock the Republicans and approved by the mass media, but off limits to say anything negative about the Obama nation and his minions.
It was standard fare to mock the Republicans and approved by the mass media, but off limits to say anything negative about the Obama nation and his minions.
Yeah, this. Sorry, but it was a hoot when the other's were hung in effigy. But damn those that hang this messiah. Or, better yet, this is news?
Sure it's in poor taste... but it's free speech... so it doesn't matter how classless it is.
The fact that they brought in the bomb-squad and shut down the entire highway is absolutely ridiculous. I can't even begin to imagine the ridiculousness that must have ensued in their mines to make the assumption it could have a bomb in it. Have there been any reports of bombs in dummies on bridges before? Did they get prior reports that there would be a bomb in a dummy on a bridge? Come on... theatrical dramatics. And... making a huge deal like this with calling in the bomb squad is probably just to drum up the news vans and give the bomb squad a chance to practice their incident response and handling procedures. The worst part of it is... everyone makes the assumption it is racism too.
Yeah... sure it's in poor taste, but holy crap... I can't WAIT for this presidency to be over. We've had nothing but epic failure for the past 6 years, and the media has done nothing but defend the administration at every turn and criticize anyone who attacks the chosen one.
Calling that dummy 'Obama' is an insult to dummies everywhere.
No, no, no. Biden, um, the "dummy" was wearing an 0bama mask.
So, credible threat/hate crime, or protected dissent and free speech? Yeah, after the rodeo clown was banned for life for wearing a mask of dear leader, we know which way this will go if they find the person(s).
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
Sure it's in poor taste... but it's free speech... so it doesn't matter how classless it is.
Did you forget?
If you think you still live in a free country, ask yourself why a court jester was ostracized for making fun of the king.
[This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 06-02-2014).]
Was that picture from 1994? Dubya was President from 2001 - 2009 and not even Governor of TX until 1995. So is the date wrong? Or were they making fun of the President before he became President? Maybe it was supposed to be 2004 not 1994. Just playing devil's advocate. Edit to say "nevermind." After some research, that mask was supposed to be daddy Bush, Just didn't look like him. The dates are right then.
Was that picture from 1994? Dubya was President from 2001 - 2009 and not even Governor of TX until 1995. So is the date wrong? Or were they making fun of the President before he became President? Maybe it was supposed to be 2004 not 1994. Just playing devil's advocate[troll].
Before you call me a troll, please see that I edited my post. It just didn't look anything like George H.W. Bush to me. So I thought the date might have been messed up.
Hanging/burning Effigies are dumb. They are hollow nothings until people fill them.....with each others hate. They're nothing without people.
I wonder if size makes a difference? Is it the same "threat" if it is only 1" inch tall? Or does it just become a voodoo doll?
An effigy is a representation of a specific person in the form of sculpture or some other three-dimensional medium. The use of the term is normally restricted to certain contexts in a somewhat arbitrary way: recumbent effigies on tombs are so called, but standing statues of individuals, or busts, are usually not. Likenesses of religious figures in sculpture are not normally called effigies. Effigies are common elements of funerary art, especially as a recumbent effigy (in a lying position) in stone or metal placed on a tomb, or a less permanent "funeral effigy", placed on the coffin in a grand funeral, wearing real clothing. Figures, often caricature in style, that are damaged, destroyed or paraded in order to harm the person represented by magical means, or merely to mock or insult them or their memory, are also called effigies.
[This message has been edited by Boondawg (edited 06-03-2014).]
When they burned president bushes likeness in effigy I'm wandering if all the liberals that were fine with it and said it was free speech our now upset because they did this to there king. I wouldn't do it .. I found it in bad taste when they did it to bush and equally as offensive when they did it to obama but what can you say.. Aint freedom of speech a *****