As the degree of fraud and failure within the VA healthcare system is exposed, and now a high level resignation has occurred, even though it was planned a year ago, is there any better evidence that the federal government is totally incapable of managing US healthcare?
What is the current count on scandals during this administration? Surely they hold the record.
: an occurrence in which people are shocked and upset because of behavior that is morally or legally wrong : talk about the shocking or immoral things that people have done or are believed to have done : something that is shocking, upsetting, or unacceptable
Lincoln freeing the slaves may be the biggest scandal of all time...
[This message has been edited by Boondawg (edited 05-19-2014).]
: an occurrence in which people are shocked and upset because of behavior that is morally or legally wrong : talk about the shocking or immoral things that people have done or are believed to have done : something that is shocking, upsetting, or unacceptable
Lincoln freeing the slaves may be the biggest scandal of all time...
So, of your three definitions, which one does "freeing the slaves" line up most closely with?
Obama says he is "outraged" so I am sure he will have as swift response as he did with Benghazi or the IRS.
Seriously though, the only way the Chimp in Chief will take any sort of action is if it is found out that a black gang banger like Treyvon had died because of the VA's actions. Otherwise, they are just a bunch of old white men dying and he will be more concerned about his golf game than the well being of the vets.
I just overheard a video segment where one of MSNBC's regular talking heads (Jack Jacobs, retired Marine colonel and Medal of Honor recipient) was talking about the advantages of scrapping the entire VA hospital and clinics system and redirecting all of the funding for that directly to the veterans. I did not follow the segment very closely. But the idea was that the veterans would be getting their medical and health care the same way as everyone else. But they would receive additional benefits, befitting their veteran status, from the federal government, to use against their med/health outlays.
I guess the thinking behind this is that having a separate VA med/health system incurs a lot of overhead costs that basically do not accomplish anything for the veterans. I guess the theory here is that the VA is an unnecessary "middleman" that could be cut out of the system to everyone's advantage. Except VA personnel. But they could look for new jobs.
Of course, it this were going to be done, I think it would take many years and would have to be a gradual shutdown of the VA hospitals and clinics; not all at one time.
I just overheard a video segment where one of MSNBC's regular talking heads (Jack Jacobs, retired Marine colonel and Medal of Honor recipient) was talking about the advantages of scrapping the entire VA hospital and clinics system and redirecting all of the funding for that directly to the veterans. I did not follow the segment very closely. But the idea was that the veterans would be getting their medical and health care the same way as everyone else. But they would receive additional benefits, befitting their veteran status, from the federal government, to use against their med/health outlays.
I guess the thinking behind this is that having a separate VA med/health system incurs a lot of overhead costs that basically do not accomplish anything for the veterans. I guess the theory here is that the VA is an unnecessary "middleman" that could be cut out of the system to everyone's advantage. Except VA personnel. But they could look for new jobs.
Of course, it this were going to be done, I think it would take many years and would have to be a gradual shutdown of the VA hospitals and clinics; not all at one time.
The devil is in the details, and that is a place where the federal government always drops the ball.
It does make sense on paper. Instead of running their own medical system, just give the veterans health insurance to go and get the care they need from the private medical industry. Heck, could give them reimbursement on carrying Obama-Care.
The fly in the oinment would likely be the deteriorating state of private care. Not enough doctors, maybe not enough specialized facilities skilled in handling some of the specific related conditions and injuries.
Before going to that extreme, I would like to know whether it is costing the government more or less to run the VA health system then to kick veterans off into the private field. After that, I would look how to take action. The biggest problem at the moment is really that the VA health system is overburdened due to two wars and not a sufficient enough amount of expansion, in time, to handle the influx. Now they are trying to play catchup and are behind. The second problem is beaurocracy. You have facilities fudging numbers and reports to avoid looking bad, since oversight focuses too much on numbers and not on care.
Whatever the long term solution, it is not going to be quick, easy, or cheap. The first need is to get these veterans the care they need now. Then, start looking for a better options as time goes on to make sure the level of care remains what it should.
I believe all 3 of them. But only because "scandal" is subjective to the individuals claiming it and the prevailing attitudes of the times.
P.S. They are not "my" definitions.
You are a good Democrat Boonie... you're always there to their defense. Hillary Clinton thanks you, and eagerly awaits your vote this coming 2016 election.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: Really, Boonie... your go-to source of Wikipedia doesn't even list Benghazi, the VA, half the voter fraud scandals, or any of the other stuff.
I don't vouch for them. There are no neutral sources.
Wikipedia is just the Quickstop of information for me. For others, it can be a place to start their own research.
I would definitely be open to taking a look at a similar list of Presidential Scandals from somewhere else if you got one.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: You are a good Democrat Boonie... you're always there to their defense. Hillary Clinton thanks you, and eagerly awaits your vote this coming 2016 election.
I'm not a Democrat, as I have stated many times. My interest in the subject is logic, not hype, conspiracies, or parties. If I defend anything, it's logic, not individuals or parties.
I should take you to task for calling me something you have no idea about. But your statement sez more about you then it does about me. It's silly and non-constructive.
I mean, were you trying to convey some information to me, or was it an attempt at being insulting? Who were you informing of this "fact" that I'm a "Democrat"? Were you informing me, or the rest of the forum?
[This message has been edited by Boondawg (edited 05-19-2014).]
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: Really, Boonie... your go-to source of Wikipedia doesn't even list Benghazi, the VA, half the voter fraud scandals, or any of the other stuff.
Few years ago had the unfortunate case of working on the Fort Belvoir Hospital project. Sort of will be the substitute for Walter Ried while they go through it. In another over budgeted project. They had to define it as a community hospital? From what I tell it was only open to the military. Of course the designers(private firms) used it to make a name for themselves. Overseen by representitives of the Army Corps of Engineers. The main ACOE people were dealing with the New Orleans/Katrina fiasco. By what I had seen, the ACOE used to be something but now an oxymoron. There were several hand picked subcontractors. Most didn't impress me. Then were some that had to deal with the stuff they couldn't handle. The company I worked for was one of them. The hand picked were the ones that were along the lines, OK YOGY WAHT EVER YOU SAY, then the rest of us had to deal with their crap work. While being blamed for the project taking longer. Their main glazier/glass company didn't know how to find angle by measurements. I shown one of their foreman how to get radius measurements. The first building had to have all of the exterior work redone due to their mishap, however due to them being one of their "star" contractors the rest of us took the brunt. The secondary glass company, we had no problems with. I had to show one supervisor where their building was 3 inches off. Mind you we were some of the last exterior contractors to put product on. After steel work, after concrete work, after steel stud work. They had the nerve to ask me to check the next building for them before "THEY" ordered our panels. Now really, over 10 different engineers at any one time from ACOE. Not to mention the General contractors people and I had to catch this screw up. At one point, I couldn't contain myself any longer and called one of the main building designers an idiot to his face. Almost got kicked off for that one. I was explaining to him, that was not feasable in his prints to have a 3" expansion in the building, when your covering it with zinc panels and terracotta tile. I also stated if you have a 3" movement in your building, you have much larger problems than exterior covering. I did come up with a ACOE approved design. Right out of the SMECNA book (the exterior sheet metal bible, with century old standards) which he should have been following and known while designing. There is a reason why these standards have worked so long. After all of this found the steam fitters could nor adhear to the 3" expansion anyway. Seems strange that with all the crap we took from the GC, ACOE, the panel company and others, they show our work in their portfolio for that project. When I started at that project, I had a sense of pride that I was trying to give a little back to the Vets. My son being one. Something new, nice, modern. What I experienced, just discusted me. That project was one of the reasons I got out of the construction area and went back to wrenching. Couldn't stand to see the unneeded waste in these projects and put my name on them. And of course the federal government projects were the worst examples. Funny though many of the state and county projects, ended up some of the best ones. Much less red tape and bull.
[This message has been edited by cmechmann (edited 05-19-2014).]
I'm not a Democrat, as I have stated many times. My interest in the subject is logic, not hype, conspiracies, or parties. If I defend anything, it's logic, not individuals or parties.
I should take you to task for calling me something you have no idea about. But your statement sez more about you then it does about me. It's silly and non-constructive.
I mean, were you trying to convey some information to me, or was it an attempt at being insulting? Who were you informing of this "fact" that I'm a "Democrat"? Were you informing me, or the rest of the forum?
Boonie... you ALWAYS run to the defense of the Democrat party, and many on here appreciate that. Your instinct is to defend the Democrats, attack the Republicans. It's been that way for a long, long time with you.
Originally posted by Boondawg:
Does anyone have better information? I'm as interested in the truth as anyone here. Anyone?
Boonie... you ALWAYS run to the defense of the Democrat party, and many on here appreciate that. Your instinct is to defend the Democrats, attack the Republicans. It's been that way for a long, long time with you.
Both parties are useless. The US would do much better if it had 3 parties instead of 2. That way when a party gets in power, it can't do anything without the support of a second party to get enough votes to pass anything...with means concessions and more responsible actions. The majority of the stupid decisions get weeded out right at the beginning. (ok...I'm putting my views of the Canadian system on top of my poor understanding of the US system, so what I'm suggesting may be irrelevant....apologies if it is)
Boonie... you ALWAYS run to the defense of the Democrat party, and many on here appreciate that. Your instinct is to defend the Democrats, attack the Republicans. It's been that way for a long, long time with you.
Why do you say that? Could that just be your impression because 90% of this forum posts about Democrats? I comment on what's posted.
You can't eat shrimp at McDonalds...
If I told people here once I've told them a thousand times........I ain't on no one's side. I don't need it. It hinders my quest for understanding.
To look at me in any other way is really only a loss to the one doing the looking. Because that 'anything else' just isn't true.
I wish I could say that for myself. But truth is so subjective & ever-evolving that I have to stick to mere understanding just to keep up with my continually-changing experiences of the world around me.
I fear the concept of actual truth may be little more than an illusion...but yeah, I would love real truth.
[This message has been edited by Boondawg (edited 05-19-2014).]
I wish I could say that for myself. But truth is so subjective & ever-evolving that I have to stick to mere understanding just to keep up with my continually-changing experiences of the world around me.
I fear the concept of actual truth may be little more than an illusion...but yeah, I would love real truth.