As you may have noticed, the rating bars display a bit differently than before.
Before, they didn't really accurately represented your rating and it was hard to figure out how many negatives vs. positives you had because it either showed a green bar or a red bar only.
Now, you will see both a red and green bar, and the relative sizes tells you how many people rated you negative/positive. So if the green bar is twice as big as the red bar, then you got twice as many positive ratings as negative ratings.
If more people rated you positively, then the red bar will be "transparent" (i.e. grayish-red). If it's the other way around, then the green bar will be transparent (grayish-green).
If the red bar flashes, then you are just one step away from being banned. So either shape up or start looking for another forum.
The penalty for being banned is a bit more severe than it used to be. In the past, being banned meant that you could no longer post messages. Now, if you are banned, you will be denied access to the entire site. That means you will not even be able to read messages.
Remember, if you get banned, don't come to me crying why I banned you. I didn't ban you. The members of this forum did.
I'm still working on the part where anybody is able to see his/her own rating.
I'm pushing this whole rating system because I've noticed that just a handful of people is responsible for a whole lot of others to leave the forum. The rating system gives you a tool to (anonymously) make your concerns heard. So rate often, but use it wisely.
If you have any suggestions or questions, please post them in this thread.
[Edited for spelling]
[This message has been edited by Cliff Pennock (edited 10-22-2002).]