The Klez/Elkern email worm is currently the most wide spread email worm (virus) on the internet.
This email worm sends itself to random email addresses in your addressbook, using another email address from your addressbook as sender.
Right now, I receive between 50-100 emails per day containing this worm. Since I'm not using Outlook Express and never open an attachement to an email, the worm has fortunately never been able to infect my computer.
Sine I receive the worm only on an email address used for the forum, I can be 100% sure the emails originate from forum members.
Please do yourself a favor, and go here. This is a free online virus scanner. Be aware that this scan can take a long time to complete so you might want to run it overnight.
I get about 1-2 a week with the virus. Not all from forum addresses. My computer is virus free. (checked every Friday between 10pm and 11pm) Had a relative get it and open it. It does some real nasty things to your computer. I use F-Prot Software so even though I use Outlook, I am still protected from the virus. (Outlook doesn't automatically open attachments anymore)
My virus software updates almost every day, and I have it do a complete scan every 12 hours. While I'm at work, and while I'm asleep. I also have it do realtime scans, so even if a website has virus code, it will catch it b4 it gets anywhere.
LOL, that is the same Virus Scan page I use. I run the scan about once a week as I do alot of Power Dowloading from Kazaa. SO far so good, I recive that virus about 6 times a day, and my Outlook 2002 strips it every time. (Cant recive any .exe files in Outlook 2002)
I'm amazed at how many times one of the Klez variations attempts to infect my 'puter via email. Probably a couple of times a week. Norton's nails it every time.
FWIW, if you're using Outlook Express (especially) and don't have anti-virus software on your machine, you might be surprised...
------------------ Raydar
I'm not the pheasant plucker. I'm the pheasant plucker's son. But I'll pluck pheasants 'Til the pheasant plucker comes.
It won't pevent a user from getting a virus, but it will help contain it if people will keep their address books trimmed down to a minmum # of entries. I saw an address book the other day that must have had 50 names in it that he hadn't contacted in over a year. The Klez infection attempts have slowed way down on my end-ccompared to 2 months ago. It was so bad, that I pared my addy book down to just family members, a few forum members, and set a hard filter to accept only emails from addresses in my addressbook. related; I can't fathom anyone running a computer without an up-to-date antivirus in this day & time.