Cliff, as I am new with this "not text"
signature thing, I am just enjoying
having been able to figure it out.
Needless to say, when I learn a new technique
that is easy to use on the internet, I want to
make sure that I get it down pat. They say that
practice makes perfect.
However, I do agree with you
that some of these signatures are
getting a bit out of hand. Far too
many people have very graphic intense
signatures (myself included, with my
rotating alien friend). Often this
causes the page to take an extreme
amount of time to load (especially for
smaller, older computers). I mean, we
have to reallize that YOU did this
for us, therefore we shouldnt take advantage
of this wonderfull oportunity to get together
and chat, swap tech talk, parts, and general
knowlege of fieros, politics, the sky, and even
Therefore, I fully back your ernest
plea, to have us shorten out signatures
for better prosperity and sanctity of the
Whew... I hope everyone understands my viewpoint on this.
Red '86 GT
We are not alone!