If I understand this correctly, you could do any lighting pattern you want. Could you do Audi R8 style taillights? (rectangles)
i iam planning 3 red rectangles with 5mm LED (same size like the Fiero in this here ) surrounded by a rectangle of 10mm LED like in this set here . iam calculating 1440LED aat least for this type . 5 mm LED let the rectangles appear as solid rectangle .
the idea of changing the taillightstyle by a selector will be in 3rd set i guess .
------------------ 1984 Fiero Sport 1987 Fiero <- Ethanol powered Batmobile 1984 Fiero SE 1999 Chrysler Grand Voyager 3.3 LX <-LPG powered family car
SWEEEETTTT!!!! PM me if you plan to sell any of these, or take on "custom" design commissions.
------------------ ~Michael Concept page - http://www.michael-blue.com/IndyIMSA.htm '85 GT 4sp white - SOLD | | '85 2M6 Auto red - SOLD | | '84 2M4 bare chassis - SOLD Crap, I'm out of Fieros! Time to buy another!! - "Your mileage may vary."
thats for the original lampholders . they fit in where the normal lamps supposed to be Dont wanted to damage the cables so i build this adapter with the form of a standard 2 pole lamp
Originally posted by jmbishop: Right, but what holds them in? Is it a interference fit, glue or did you ad more pins to lock it in like the bayonets on the original bulb?
aaah , yes i added little "noses" on the sides do match the profile of the lamp
.... note to myself : dont answer forum threads before first coffee of the day
wow amazing! this might have been asked already. i was to interested in the photos! how much did it cost you to make and how long did it take you?? looks like a super time consuming project! but worth it i want to do something like this.
if i remember correct at all materialcost around 150$ plus a set of notchielamps plus some tools and polishing and solderingstuff
i will start a Fastbackset for Fiero1Fan after i finished my engine rebuild and another notchieset with different styles and complete new acrylglass inner lenses
one thing though.. maybe a taillight lens tint? idk somehow the idea of seeing millions of LEDS while my tails are off isnt appealing plus i have a black notchie and would hate to ruin the clean dark look.. either way its friggin awesome
btw. the blue thing will get also one of these here :
made by a friend of me
I know it is a bit old, but I am extremely interested in where this is sourced from. This will fit right in with the style that I am going for with my car.