Mountain of Moses, in Saudi Arabia, Jabal Maqla, Jabal al Lawz. [ /maps/search/Saudi+Arabia,+Jabal+Maqla,+Jabal+al+Lawz./@28.6241861,35.3366033 ] So, now that you know that there actually is a place, is it possible that the stories are true and Moses did meet an Alien, had an inter-humanoid negotiation ? So, then, the story of the Ark of the Covenant could also be true The Lost Ark The Ethiopians have a tradition that it is they who have the Ark in a sacred chapel in the small town of Aksum. [ /maps/place/Aksum,+Ethiopia/@14.1390282,38.7401529 ] ~ Aksum Finding the clay tablets of the Ten Commandments, in 2024, would be a.. Revelation !
The Ark of the Covenant . No one talks like that Rabid, because it demonstrates illiteracy, plainly, for all to see. ' It's not real Rabid, you made it up in your head, it's a fantasy, it's delusional Rabid ! ' Children in the 4th grade have better grammar Rabid, did you not graduate from the 4th grade Rabid ? A rule for English grammar Rabid, Every sentence's first letter is a Capital letter Rabid ! You see Rabid, here in America, if you're too stupid to learn the language, you're sheet out of luck. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, three basic fields of knowledge required to succeed, if you fail to learn them, you're sheet out of luck. Comprehension of reality, that's important too, you would be stupid to believe any bs coming out of Kamala's mouth, that would make you a sucker. ' Fat, stupid and a sucker, that's no way to live life Rabid ! ' ~ Dean Wormer ' But I read it on cnn ! ' ' Oi ! '