| quote | Originally posted by Hank is Here:
Help remind me... Does this BB have a physical keyboard? Do you have any clue how hard it is to setup this BB for my corporate email?
Thanks |
Yes, it does.
It should NOT be difficult to do this---> You would need to get the phone activated, then have a data planadded which includes a corporate account (I'm guessing you have Exchange?) Then your IT guys would add you to the BES (note:They need to have a BES 10 server! This device won't work on a BES 5 or earlier!) which would require a license.
Then, on the device, you'd add a new account, "email, contacts, etc", then type in yer email address and activation password (given to you by your IT guy)
Heh, re-reading that, it doesn't sound "easy", but it's not that bad...

The BB 10 Devices are pretty good at being other things too - camera, video camera, video editor,mp3 player, "thing to connect to your TV so it can play movies", etc.
I use a few older BBs to play music, one as an alarm clock, (plays an mp3 at a certain time, and even if i lose power, it still will work) and one as a "I don't care if this gets destroyed" video camera...