| quote | Originally posted by 2.5:
"Newer ones", being 87 and 88? Just 88? I cant remember. |
84-85 are the glass panels and 86-88 are the plastic. I probably should have said later instead of newer.
After using both I've noted a few pros and cons to both styles in case someone is debating which style to go with while replacing:
Glass- Pros: better quality, lasts longer, stays shiny, doesn't dull or crack (unless impacted)
Cons: Considerably heavier, Glass panel is smaller (Due to the rubber surround holding the glass) and does give a slightly more aged look
Plastic- Pros: Light, readily available and cheap to replace the plastic panel (although with the recent announcement of Fiero Sales end this may not be so in the future :'\ )
Cons: Less durability, fades in sun, becomes brittle and cracks, can look cheap if not in good condition