There's really not a lot out here as far as Fiero events, although the Tarheel Tigers Pontiac Club does hold an all Pontiac car show every summer. The first year I went I was the only Fiero out there (I won best Fiero by default), and the next year there were two others. I haven't made it the past two years, but the guys out there are really nice and fairly laid back. I'll be bringing both of my cars to next year's show.
------------------ "The Twins" '87 GT 3.4 pushrod daily driver '88 GT 3.4 DOHC swap in progress
Not real active, but maybe some new members on their forum might perk things up. Some real knowledgeable guys there with some great cars.
Spirit seldom visits PFF, but he's over in the Vale area and there's another man with a black 85GT that's over in the lake area, just west of Charlotte. I think he's in Mt. Holly, too.
I'm in Goldsboro, stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB. I'd be down for a meet as long as it's within an hour. Don't know if I would trust the car at this moment on a drive longer then that. lol. It's a work In progress. Tate
I'm in Raleigh. I haven't done much Fiero stuff in a while. There are some Cars & Coffee cruise-ins in the area that I attended occasionally, but I usually take my TA. I haven't seen many Fieros at cruise-ins in a while.
Not real active, but maybe some new members on their forum might perk things up. Some real knowledgeable guys there with some great cars.
Spirit seldom visits PFF, but he's over in the Vale area and there's another man with a black 85GT that's over in the lake area, just west of Charlotte. I think he's in Mt. Holly, too.
When I go to the NC Fiero forums and try to open a forum link at work, our cybersecurity blocks it detecting an "Exploit Kit." I don't know what's running on that site, but I've never seen that alert on PFF or any other car forum from work.
I only access it from my PC. Never tried my phone or the wife's tablet or laptop. I've never seen that alert. What does it mean? I don't think the guys up there have any intent other than to talk Fieros.
I only access it from my PC. Never tried my phone or the wife's tablet or laptop. I've never seen that alert. What does it mean? I don't think the guys up there have any intent other than to talk Fieros.
I don't know exactly, but it sounds like it detected an exploit of some kind.
Originally posted by adm927:
I was on there yesterday with no issues.
That you know of. You're not aware of anything your PC doesn't detect. This wasn't detected by my PC, it was detected by my work's network security. It may be nothing, but it's something I've never run into on other sites.
Exploit kits are a type of malicious toolkit used to exploit security holes found in software applications (Adobe Reader, etc) for the purpose of spreading malware. These kits come with pre-written exploit code and target users running insecure or outdated software applications on their computers.Feb 11, 2013
It must be a part of the bulletin board software. I just don't think they would purposely infect anyone with malware. AVG, WebRoot, or ESET has never detected it on my PC. but that's just home anti-virus and anti-malware programs. I'm sure commercial programs are much more capable.
It must be a part of the bulletin board software. I just don't think they would purposely infect anyone with malware.
Quite possible, but the source of the exploit doesn't matter. I just wanted to give people a heads up. Maybe that will also give NC Fieros a heads up that they may have malware on their site they aren't aware of.
I'm in Durham, about 15 minutes from Brier Creek to give relation to Raleigh.
I run the NCFiero site. I'll have to ask why that alert popped up. I keep the BB software up to date, and there are security controls on the domain. It might be a false alert because of some of the java elements that are in the site.
I will reach out to the hosting company to double check from their end and I can prod it from the end user side some more.
Hi guys, I'm glad there are other Fieros around. I would be open for a meet-n greet within a couple hours of home. How about one of you arrange one before really cold weather? I'll be willing to help set it up if someone chimes in. Don't know where the location would be as I live near Hickory, NC but willing to travel. Just post and will try to make it anywhere within reason.