I have a 1986 3.4 5 speed GT. I have a had a leak for a while. I thought it was a thermostat housing gasket leak because the residue on the ground was thin and I only saw a little when I parked. It has became much thicker and I realized it was an oil leak all along. I use liquid-moly oil (I love that sutff) which has a thin look to it so I mistook it for dirty coolant.
Anyway I cleaned as much as I could to see if it was a timing chain cover leak but I could not tell for sure though it did reveal the oil slinging onto the freshly cleaned AC comp and DR tensioner thus making me realize it was a driving leak with the HB slinging the oil out and not a sitting gravity leak plus my oil is down to the add mark.
Much of the high up oil residue on the motor is from a valve cover leak I fixed.
I have read on other posts that sometimes the keyhole will allow oil to pass by if it is not sealed with a bit of RTV but this seems to be more than that?
Am I correct in that the seal is bad? I took pics before I cleaned it up to see if might leaking somewhere else and to really check the water pump seal and timing chain cover.
Close up of seal: (click on icon, it is a tall skinny pic)

Seal and surrounding build up:

Drip off HB and overall residue

Close up of oil drip off HB

Sling on to components:

If I need to change the seal it would need to be a 3.4 seal not a Fiero 2.8?
[This message has been edited by Scooter_86gt (edited 09-11-2015).]