Thinking about adding some racing stripes to this 87 GT. Wanting to add a little excitement to the plain jane white. Maybe something like the second pic but without the Pegasus logo. I like the thin accent stripes. Not sure about color. I was thinking red or bright blue but I'm not sure how it would look with the GT gray along the bottom of the body. Car also has gray interior. Any thoughts or pictures to share?
I bought some stripes from Paul at He was great to work with and let me design my own stripes and gave me a choice of many colors. I chose a dark gray for my med. red metallic GT. He had 4 or 5 grays to choose from. I have a bumper pad front on my GT. I made some stripes that are like early Camaro ones that start on the top of the bumper pad. The stripes are easy to put on. I'm almost finished with mine. He also made a enlarged version of his Pegasus design for me. It's almost 4 feet wide and will look like the wings of the horse are flames. He's a very creative guy and very helpful. He is very reasonable IMHO. I think a dark gray, such as Nimbus gray, would compliment your car nicely.
I went with the suggestions for gray stripes. Here's a few shots of my first attempt applying them. That's my daily driver 88 GT in the background. (Note the California drought condition lawns!)
I went with the suggestions for gray stripes. Here's a few shots of my first attempt applying them. That's my daily driver 88 GT in the background. (Note the California drought condition lawns!)