This is a fun, low-key, well-attended show open to vehicles in any condition, as long as they hail from the Pontiac marque.
Jet City Fieros often wins the participation award and we'd like to do so again this year, so come one, come all!
Sunday, August 16, 9:00 - 3:00 in Bothell, WA. Entry form with details at link below. NOTE: Online registration DOES NOT WORK. You must register via snail mail, or if you prefer, Pennock's Pony Express.
Anyone who shows up with a Fiero who is *not* a current member of Jet City Fieros, and registers as a club member for the show, I will personally pay your first year dues to the club.
Okay, I lied, one more bump. Looks like it's going to be a glorious day in the PNW. Come hang with your Fiero brethren at the All Pontiac Show and Shine in Bothell. Get a free one-year Jet City Fieros club membership.
Thanks to everyone who came out, including new club member Jim from Bellingham, who took me up on my offer! We had 13 Fieros and came up just two short of the GTO club who showed 15.
I think we had every color except bright red, gold, and yellow, including a very nice custom metallic orange and an equally nice custom pearl white.
Are you kidding us? Normally any time there's two or more Fieros, at least one of them is red.
Yeah, go figure: 129,000 bright red Fieros built and we didn't have one there.
Next year we'll be gunning for the GTO club. It's going to be my mission to win that trophy and have every color represented. I haven't seen a gold Fiero in ages- I better start digging now.
We weren't parked 60 seconds before this fellow (gal? we debated all day) showed up. It spent most of the day hanging with the JCF folks and was very well fed.
A pano of the Fiero area before the last two cars showed up; we ended up with 13 total.
JCF club flags flying.
Much to our surprise, our 80% restored blue GT took first in class. We still have some work to do on the interior as well as under the hood and in the engine bay, but it was sure nice to be acknowledged for all the work we've gotten done so far