I would have rather seen you order from Doug at the Fierowarehouse so you wouldn't have to worry. First, Doug's in the U.S, and second, he has them in 2" all the way up to 8" tall.
I have heard that people have a hard time getting a hold of anyone at Jimmy's so I am a little surprised that you did it so easily.
Well, let's just say if they haven't shipped by the end of the week, I'll be filing complaints with the necessary agencies to make sure they don't rip anyone else off...
Add 4 to 6 weeks for anything shipped from our northern friends ----- I've stopped purchasing anything from anyone (not just FIERO stuff) from the north because of the extreme delays caused by customs, however, I'd still insist on a 'confirmation of shipment' and tracking number for both your peace of mind and to insure the item is in fact shipped in a timely manner.
Add 4 to 6 weeks for anything shipped from our northern friends ----- I've stopped purchasing anything from anyone (not just FIERO stuff) from the north because of the extreme delays caused by customs, however, I'd still insist on a 'confirmation of shipment' and tracking number for both your peace of mind and to insure the item is in fact shipped in a timely manner.
This has nothing to do with customs or shipping. It has to do with your "Northern Friend" not shipping on time. I ship a lot of packages to and from the US and never have these problems.
To the OP, be careful with this vendor. I was at their shop a couple of months ago and it is closed up, all the Fiero stuff is outside in the rain next to a dumpster. If you need something, PM me and I can drop by and check it out for you in person, as I go to Windsor regularly.
This has nothing to do with customs or shipping. It has to do with your "Northern Friend" not shipping on time. I ship a lot of packages to and from the US and never have these problems.
To the OP, be careful with this vendor. I was at their shop a couple of months ago and it is closed up, all the Fiero stuff is outside in the rain next to a dumpster. If you need something, PM me and I can drop by and check it out for you in person, as I go to Windsor regularly.
I have met Doug and Sage when they came up to Canada to dig through a big pile of rotten garbage with me (Great fun!) and they are good guys.
As I said --anything from anybody because customs does slow down shipments regardless of how fast it get packaged and sent thru what ever shipping is available in the great white north. I also said -- get a tracking verification, for the reason of keeping what ever you buy from who ever you buy it from honest. I've had packages from Canada arrive quickly and I've had the second package shipped the same day from the same source take 5 weeks while it sat in either the good old USA or Canadian customs. Delays happen more when product crosses a border and as many a post on this forum have proven we tend to want the delivery on our door step the next day even though we have chosen 'regular ground' shipping. I've never purchased from 'Jimmy's' so I don't know that businesses reputation for quality, customer service or speed of shipping. Just be prepared for a longer arrival of your order --it happens.
To the OP, be careful with this vendor. I was at their shop a couple of months ago and it is closed up, all the Fiero stuff is outside in the rain next to a dumpster. If you need something, PM me and I can drop by and check it out for you in person, as I go to Windsor regularly.
This has nothing to do with customs or shipping. It has to do with your "Northern Friend" not shipping on time.
Agreed. "Customs" is always the excuse given by a crappy vendor with a poor shipping record - and it's that way in BOTH directions.
Had a problem from the States after waiting for 3 weeks - "well, we shipped it on such and such a date..." Package arrives a week later with date I phoned (or a day later) on shipping label!! Vendor then says they sent a second shipment because "first shipment must have got lost...". Really?
Originally posted by fierosound: Agreed. "Customs" is always the excuse given by a crappy vendor with a poor shipping record - and it's that way in BOTH directions.
Had a problem from the States after waiting for 3 weeks - "well, we shipped it on such and such a date..." Package arrives a week later with date I phoned (or a day later) on shipping label!! Vendor then says they sent a second shipment because "first shipment must have got lost...". Really?
Another +1 to this.
I buy stuff from places all over the world all the time. I've had parts from Korea, Japan, UK, Germany, and other places all show up very quickly. There's no excuse for excessively slow shipping of parts across the US/CA border. I recently bought the HID projector headlights from doublec4, who is in CA, as well. They arrived only a few days after he had informed me of the shipment.
I used to get product form China two or three times a month & generally I received product within 10 to 15 days. This was for 3 years, approximately. Only once was a shipment 21+ days & eventually I did get it. No mention of customs, but tracking provided only showed up to leaving their country.
Size of shipments may cause variation, just giving my experience.
I don't know about this jimmies, but when I shipped parts to the great white north, and because I was out on medical leave and could spend the time tracking shipments, it was an eye opener .. I shipped 3 boxes all going over the boarder, and sent them all the same day.. 1 made it to the buyer in 4 days, one 6 days and one showed tracking at the boarder for a solid 14 days.. then only took 36 hours to get to the buyer.. all shipped the same day, same weight, same type shipping, same box, same product.. why one sat for 14 days? no clue..
shipping is interesting, summit racing shipped me my order the same day I ordered it, it all left on the same truck.. all from The Ohio warehouse, one box was on my steps at 5pm the next day, 2 more the day after, and the last one, 5 days later.. the box that got here first went straight ohio to here.. the 2 boxes that showed up the day after took a detour through D.C for some reason.. the last one, went from ohio, to n.y. then to Fla. then to tenn. then to cali. then to pa, then to m.d. then here.. why that one took a trip around the us, no one will ever know.. The wonders of UPS
I bought a set of wheels and tires from a vendor in BC. (For the geographically challenged, that's pretty much all the way across the continent from GA.) They arrived in less than 10 days. Never a problem.
The brokerage fees (the bill arrived a week or so later) charged by the carrier were an unexpected and unwelcome surprise. I thought about telling them to "stuff it", but I figured I would probably want to use UPS some time in the future. Bastages.
Originally posted by 2.5: I believe their government pays for their shipping, right?
Not always, but for many companies, they do, yes.
One interesting trick I've found to get free shipping that's reasonably fast, when buying stuff from foreign countries, is if you buy used parts from a US military person. If you have a Japanese or Euro car, it's a good way to get JDM/EDM parts, as some car guys in the military will collect parts and sell them on eBay for extra cash. Since they're military, the shipping is already paid for by US taxpayers. Might as well put your tax dollars to work for yourself.
... and one showed tracking at the boarder for a solid 14 days.. then only took 36 hours to get to the buyer.. all shipped the same day, same weight, same type shipping, same box, same product.. why one sat for 14 days? no clue..
That was probably one that Customs decided to "inspect" - as in physically open the box to see what's in there. I suspect they get "tossed in a pile" and it takes time to make their way through them....
The #1 thing customs looks at in the declared value, so If the declared value is $15 it will blow right through customs with no issue, the flip side to that is most every shipping company will only insure your package at the declared value. so If you ship a $100 item but Lie to customs ate declare it @ $15 and it gets lost your only protected up to $15. Red flags go of at US/CAD customs at a declared value of $75usd
I posted a complaint to the BBB. Apparently they've already had a couple of complaints logged against them.
I'm out $100 but I hope no one else from this forum sends them another red cent.
I am in Windsor next week and can visit them and give them crap if they owe you parts. PM me on what they owe you and what you paid, and I can look into it, and ship it to you if I get my hands on it. No charge... just buy me one of those lame, watery American beers one day and we will call it even
Originally posted by cam-a-lot: I am in Windsor next week and can visit them and give them crap if they owe you parts. PM me on what they owe you and what you paid, and I can look into it, and ship it to you if I get my hands on it. No charge... just buy me one of those lame, watery American beers one day and we will call it even
Thanks! I buy Blue Moon when I drink beer.
They sent me some in-process pics today buy seriously - it shouldn't take 2+ weeks to make a pair of $75 wingstands.... The extra $25 was for shipping...
"Scottish Wallet" refers to something so tight that it never opens
Unlike most people these days that get offended every 5 minutes and cry discrimination, the Scots can laugh at themselves and take a stereotypical joke in stride. That's why everyone loves them!