I went for a cruise with my Fiero yesterday. The weather was perfect, so I decided to take the car for a spin. Unfortunately the car has stopped going into reverse recently (F23 trans), plus I have had an intermittent front end clunk while braking. Since I was going to be near Shayne's place anyway (Lunatic), I dropped by to shoot the breeze. Being an awesome guy, and feeling sorry for me (I am as useless as tits on bull ...LOL) he handed me a cold beer, grabbed a socket set, and started diagnosing my car. Within 5 minutes, he found a few loose bolts and my car goes into reverse now, and the clunk is gone.
What a great person, and a good friend. It is great when we can help each other out. I also try to help out other guys with Fieros when I can (give parts away, help check out cars for guys who are far away, etc).
I thought I would post something positive for a change

[This message has been edited by cam-a-lot (edited 07-05-2015).]