Do you guys know if Torque is available for iphone? I have looked around but it seems the company that makes Torque has no customer service number. On one of their forums the administrator, as of November 2014 said that there was no app yet for the iphone. I am looking at Dash Command as well.
I don`t want another electrical device in the car Kevin. I just need something on my phone. I`ve heard that Bluetooth (Android) is better than wifi but I don`t know.
I have an OBDLink MX and OBDLink on my phone and they seem to work well (but i haven't used it much yet).
DashCommand should work fine with Bluetooth. Bluetooth is not specific to Android. A quality Bluetooth OBD-II adapter will be better than the cheap low-quality knock-off ones, but depending on what you want to do, you can probably get by with them.