Namely, I changed out my auxiliary gauge wiring harness.

I have tried to remove them before at local yards but always gave up in frustration. This time I really examined everything carefully (the harness connector ends , the hole it goes through , etc..) Casual examination
shows the " hole" (upper left of the console skeleton) as rectangular, which it is but if you look closely with a flashlight it is actually "rounded- out" toward the back area of the hole. This is all important to know as the proper way to thread the new harness in is to thread the square connector down into the hole first, from the top. Also, when you do this you must thread/angle it downward almost horizontally and NOT vertically. It needs to be threaded toward the very back portion of the hole or it's not gonna go through. Lastly, I don't think it would be possible to weave/thread it upward the opposite way since the other connector (the thin rectangular one that plugs in to the bottom of the aux gauge pkg ) cannot get through the same hole.
I apologize if this is boring but I don't know how else to explain this procedure. But I can tell you this method works!