I am pretty sure I will win this competition. My swap was done by a local gentleman who has done more then 50 3800 swaps in Fieros.. I decided to check on my air filter yesterday. The Intake tube literally fell apart in my hands.. It uses half of a rubber tube for the LQ4 MAF, and half of the original Fiero intake tube. Held together by....??????? Guess boys and girls???? Electrical tape! Darth Fiero was kind enough to PM me to remind me that the fuel line should NOT be running right next to the EGR, since it is a fire hazard... Moving that line will be my next project. Back to the competition. I am pretty sure I will win, buy you just never know. Pictures must be submitted! Post your pics and help PFF! Let's have some fun, laugh at ourselves, and raise money for PFF. Winner of the crappiest intake contest to donate minimum $25 to Cliff. (If anyone has a pre-made intake tube that fits this MAF and exits to the fender well for a K&N filter that they wish to sell, please PM me.)
Here is how the tube looked when I removed it. Notice the nice gap where unfiltered air can enter?
The original Fiero tube doesn't fit into the large rubber tube for the MAF?? No problem- just fold it and shove it in there, then use electrical tape to hide the mess!!!
It gets cold here in Canada...burrrr.. Your poor fuel sits out there in the tank all night, shivering. Since we are so nice over here, we like to warm up the gasoline as much as possible, running it next to the EGR for extra effect. Isn't that a friendly thing to do?
[This message has been edited by cam-a-lot (edited 05-17-2015).]
Nobody has a crappier intake than mine? Come on... There must be one out there. Nothing made out of cardboard? Full of mouse droppings?? Using a clothing dryer vent tube??? Come on my fellow rednecks. Step up!
My swap was done by a local gentleman who has done more then 50 3800 swaps in Fieros..
1st, It seems like your 3800 was the "first" of the "more then 50 3800 swaps". Perhaps they got better with time? Lol. 2nd, I like the word "gentleman" in the sentence. Bet that was difficult to say.
It's still early but so far you're the winner. You owe Cliff a beer.
We have all seen some horrendously butchered cars here..My intake can't be the worst- can it?? You should have seen my coolant hose routing. Apparently it is not good for coolant hoses to rub up against belts- who would have known??
Can anyone beat me, or am I on the hook to buy Cliff a beer??
Well, any improvements/changes I've made are supposed to look nice. I'm not into jerry-rigging. If I still had my SE, I could post an odd intake with a hole in the back covered with duct tape. Oh, wait. I can't post images.
I have to find pics of my car when i got it. The guy who built it talked about how fast it was, yet it wouldn't start. The alternator wasn't connected. The clutch was stock 2.8 parts, with whims between the engine and bell housing to make it work. Motor mounts were toast. Dogbone was booger welded junk. Trunk was cut out and not replaced. Mufflers blown out. Fuel lines hose clamped. Exhaust routed around in front of the intake to clear the shift cables. No air filter possible. Ecm power fuse and switch mounted to console. No gages worked.
Though I have to admit that your original swap and mine DO look like they were done by the same guy.. but the thread is about having the crappiest intake tube. Since yours didn't even have one, you are disqualified from the competition! I will give it another couple of days before I declare victory and buy Cliff a beer. No one else is stepping up?
Hey Tuna Helper your car sounds like the crap car I bought from Bubbajoexx No motor mounts Broken starter mount holes Dead mice in exhaust. ...2 to be exact Lets not even talk about hack job on welds.and brake set up Every time.I see.a.green car I get the shakes. .... RIP.Shrek
[This message has been edited by Quad GT (edited 05-22-2015).]
Donation has been made to PFF this morning in light of this towering achievement. While there are some crappy intakes submitted (I like the one on the Jeep the most), it does not qualify since it is not on a Fiero.