Gall is correct. Learn the search function and you'll learn a lot. Incredible amounts of information available for the looking and lots of help for specifics; but don't expect others to do the research for you. If you make the effort and join in, post pictures and add to the discussions, you'll be golden. Welcome to our addiction.
------------------ 1988 GT Medium Red Metallic Manual, Gray Leather K Beck LEDs & StuWipes
We should all plan on meeting in the spring. This is a huge car cruise, well attended and well organized and held in Wexford, PA. The few times I have gone, I've had a good time and usually was the only Fiero. Would be fun to have a flock of Fieros to show off.
------------------ 1988 GT Medium Red Metallic Manual, Gray Leather K Beck LEDs & StuWipes
[This message has been edited by Vernon8360 (edited 11-28-2014).]
We should all plan on meeting in the spring. This is a huge car cruise, well attended and well organized and held in Wexford, PA. The few times I have gone, I've had a good time and usually was the only Fiero. Would be fun to have a flock of Fieros to show off.
My office is right across the street from there. I'm in! That car show gets pretty huge in the summer.
"" I`m in, when is the next show? Im sure it's not till spring.""
If you have checked out their website, then you'll know you can subscribe to their news letter. The first show of the season is usually the Friday before Memorial day and they will publish the entire summer schedule long before that. Once that's made public, we can make plans and pick a Friday convenient to us all.
[This message has been edited by Vernon8360 (edited 12-06-2014).]
The Star Lite Car Cruise opening night is this Friday, 22 May 2015. Held each and Friday at The Northway Christian Community parking lot in Wexford, PA. Billed as the largest, regularly scheduled, car cruise East of the Mississippi River. Who will be attending? Looks like good weather and I know they have very good food vendors. See you there.