Found a Fiero locally that a guy wanted gone. This thing is in seriously rough shape and someone did at least a little bit of parts swapping to it. To start, the body panels have bad paint and the rear top section (notchback part) has almost what you would call a hole in it behind the fuel door. The interior is in need of a lot of TLC also. From what I can tell though, the car is pretty solid with no noticeable rust and is a manual with a V6. After I knew it wasn't an 88, I didn't really care much what year it was, other then I know it isn't an 84. I think he said it was an 86...
Here is where things get a little weird... It was originally a 4 cylinder and still has the 4 speed manual in it. It has the GT bumpers and side skirts. It also has the gauges on top of the center of the dash (voltage and oil). So to me, (being out of the Fiero game for a while and not being as knowledgeable as some of you all are) it seems there has been a few things swapped into and onto this Fiero. I'm thinking that the gauges are possibly factory(then again, I feel kind of iffy about that), but I didn't think the 4 cylinder Fieros came with the GT body kit. I'm a little bummed that it has a 4 speed manual in it, but I guess I can deal with that. Don't plan on going out of town with it anyways. Oh yeah, it has a shattered rear window also.
Going to pick it up on Wednesday. He said it should fire up after putting a battery in, so hopefully it is as easy as that and I'll be driving a Fiero again. Even though it's a rough one, I'm pretty excited to be behind the wheel of a Fiero again. I miss my old 87 2m4. Good news is that this will be my 5th Fiero and of the last 4 I've owned, I've collected many parts. So I will be able to get this one looking halfway decent without even spending any money. Unfortunately though, I never did save a rear window.
This will be my DD through the winter, so hopefully it will be reliable for me. This will also be the first Fiero I've owned that had a solid roof. Might have to swap the sunroof from my other Fiero onto this one though, because I loved having the sunroof on my 2M4. When I cracked it open, it really let you hear the sound of the exhaust and I thought that was pretty cool.
Welcome back to the Fiero world. It sounds like someone did some swapping in on that car. If it used to have a 4 cylinder and the tranny is original it means its an 84. They may have swapped an 85 V6 and tranny into it though. The GT body panels must have been added to it.
Didn't the 4 cylinder come with the 4 speed until 86? Either way, I'm pretty sure it isn't an 84, so it must be the 85 V6 4 speed combo that was swapped in. Thought that the V6 came with a 4 speed at some point, but wasn't completely sure so I thought it might have been the original 4 cylinder transmission. Can't wait to get it so i can get a closer look at everything that is going on with it and start to get it looking a little more presentable. It has some Grand Am wheels on it currently (not sure of the size) and I think I'll be putting some Beretta GT crosslace wheels on it. This will basically be an experimental car that I practice custom body work and interior on. Then the work I do will either transfer over or help me with building my other project Fiero.
[This message has been edited by el_roy1985 (edited 09-15-2014).]
Went to pick it up today. Good news is it started right up after putting the battery in. Bad news is that it only ran for about 5 minutes or so and then died out. After that happened, we changed the pick up coil and it started up and ran again. Only this time it smoked like crazy while it was running. I also noticed it was idling at about 2000rpm and every so often it would almost die out and then go back to idling at 2k. After it ran for another 5 minutes or so, it died out again. Checked for spark and there was nothing. Tried three different ignition modules and a new coil and nothing. At that point we gave up for the day. So right now the sale is up in the air.