I need a vector image, does not matter what format, of a overlay for a Non A/C car. I have the A/C version, but someone with a non A/C car asked me for a white overlay to match the rest of their gauges from Speedhut.
If I can't get ahold of a vector image, if someone could peel the overlay off of a spare non A/C control, and scant it, that would work as well.
I just need the exact cutout locations and such for my dye cutter to cut out the spot for the switch(s) slider control ect.
Here is the A/C version:
Well PFF Image poster is acting up again.... imagine that! ! ! ! ! !Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the A/C added with the other overlay to make the file size JUST THE RIGHT SIZE so The image poster will upload the image correctly.... How many years has the image poster not worked as it should for most people?!?!?!?!
[This message has been edited by JohnWPB (edited 08-09-2014).]