I will try to get over there on Saturday. Update, just looked at the calendar and I am committed for something else. I thought the Nats were the weekend after next, maybe next year.
[This message has been edited by J Gunsett (edited 07-30-2014).]
Sorry to hear that. You have to have a back up Fiero though.
well actually..... I do. but the black V8 GT, is not ready for long trips yet. what I need is a truck and 2 car trailer then everything is on the table. I have busted too many cars to trust them anymore
[This message has been edited by batousai666 (edited 07-30-2014).]
I hope to make my yearly trip there on Sunday weather permitting.
If I can not get from Akron to Norwalk dry I will skip but If I can get there before any rain I will show. Often I use Saturday as my back up day if Sunday looks iffy but I have passes for the Penske Indy car team on Saturday at Mid Ohio and I will not skip that. Who knows if I would ever get a second shot at those.
I would encourage anyone who is able to attend the event. It is by far the best Pontiac event in the world. Generally they get 500 plus Racing Pontiacs and 500 plus Pontiac show cars. The Pontiac people there treat the Fiero's well unlike some at other Pontiac only events.
Also the swap meet has grown much in the last few years. I have found a few neat things there. Just a couple years ago I found a 16 valve head and cover for the SD engine there new.
The Fiero community has really missed their opportunity here by not using or visiting this show in greater numbers. We could really leave a mark here. It is not like that we don't have the greatest concentration of Fiero's in the mid west all with in a few hours driving distance.
I'm Fiero-less now, but still plan on attending. Hoping to take one of my birds, at this point, weather may keep it in the garage. Always a great time regardless, lots of cars to see and things to look at.
Well I was at Pontiac Nationals today and a little bummed out that there were none on display. I did get to take a look at a front engine drag 84 fiero and another 86 SE Duke Auto that was on a trailer "covered" in the pits. There was another white fiero that was bracket racing but I didn't get to take a closer look, based on the 19 second time it must have been a Duke car.
My own car I just left in the standard parking because it isn't remotely pretty enough to have people look at it
Hopefully the event is better Sunday, weather looks like it will be better, but I don't plan on making the trip again.
Well I was at Pontiac Nationals today and a little bummed out that there were none on display. I did get to take a look at a front engine drag 84 fiero and another 86 SE Duke Auto that was on a trailer "covered" in the pits. There was another white fiero that was bracket racing but I didn't get to take a closer look, based on the 19 second time it must have been a Duke car.
My own car I just left in the standard parking because it isn't remotely pretty enough to have people look at it
Hopefully the event is better Sunday, weather looks like it will be better, but I don't plan on making the trip again.
Sundays are the day most Fiero's show up.
Right now I am looking for a window to get out of here as the rain has me sitting at home yet. As it is I may not get out. It is dry 5 miles west of me but it is poring rain here and I would wipe out the clean under body in the first mile. This suck.
I know some decent car will arrive today from the dry areas.
Norwalk is like most other car shows many people just do not go if there is rain.
I was there all 3 days. Saturday was the worst, steady rain most of the day, but it did clear out by evening. Sunday I saw at least 8 Fieros. The judging was different, they had "drive thru" judging under the grandstand. It was hard to get a lot of pictures since cars were coming and going all day. I did take my Firebird Formula 350. Heres a few pictures of some Fiero's.
Thanks for the pictures. I didn't make it out considering my day was going to be Saturday. And a hope for Sunday but my schedule wouldn't allow in the end. Scott (Fierokid87) won third place trophy there. Good for him. We have a lot of Fieros in our general area. I make a show here and there during the week but we are always at the Quaker Steak and Lube in Sheffield on Sundays.
Thanks for the photo's. This was the first year I missed in ages.
I had the car all ready but the rain started early here in Clinton and never let up till after 12 noon. What makes me sick is the roads were dry just 3-4 miles west of my house but I would wipe out the car in the first couple miles and then I would have hours of cleaning.
To make it worse I had just polished the floor pan and I did not want to have to go through that again.
This so called Global Warming sucks as I have never been so wet and cold as this summer. I wonder how long they think they can keep fooling so many.
I did at least get to Mid Ohio on Saturday, It rained there too but at least we hand Penske hospitality there. I never had baked Salmon at a race track before. Also got to meet Juan Montoya and spend some time with Johnny O Connell the Multi Lemans winner.
Well I hope it is nice next year as this is the only show I really like.
Congrats to George and Randy on their first and second in the GT class. They both have really nice cars.