The Swap Meet is coming up shortly. Don't miss out on a fun day, some good swapping, great discounts on purchases from The Fiero Store and hanging out with Fiero enthusiasts. Bring a picnic lunch for yourself. NEFA is supplying soda and water.
Looks like some good Fiero merchandise will be available at the NEFA Swap Meet on Saturday. In addition to what Clint is bringing, Old Lar is coming up from FL with some good stuff too. Ray Paulk says he's bringing his Fiero toys also. There will be other merchandise coming in for the day too. And don't forget the discount on merchandise that The Fiero Store is offering that day.
This is a can't miss day for everyone involved. In addition to the items to buy, swap or sell, there will be raffles and a day to enjoy with other Fiero enthusiasts. Bring a lunch and your chair. NEFA is supplying the soda and water. See you all Saturday at The Fiero Store in Manchester, CT..
I have a set of NOS GT sail panels, I recently opened the boxes they were in. They are wrapped in plastic. Bring cash many $100 bills would be nice. I'm bring a set of 87 lace wheels that I had refurbished like new. Even have NOS center caps. I found a NOS sun roof gasket. I have a glass sun roof panel. Some FOCOA floor mat carpets and other stuff that is covered up in the back of my HHR.
Just a reminder that NEFA's Swap Meet at The Fiero Store's spacious location in Manchester, CT, is tomorrow, Saturday, August 9. Come join us for a fun day.
Truck is loaded and ready to go. Unfortunately I only have room for about a 10th of what I've got in storage, but there are a LOT of goodies there people. A GT taillight in good condition, complete wiring harnesses, interior parts, wings, etc, etc, etc. Don't miss out!
------------------ -Nickster
[This message has been edited by Clint (edited 08-08-2014).]
A big thank you to everyone who came to the Swap Meet today. It was wonderful to see that line up of colorful Fieros and their owners who came to buy, swap, sell, take advantage of the discount that The Fiero Store offered, or just came to join in on the fun. The weather couldn't have been nicer.
The money raised from the raffle items will be donated to the two children's charities that benefit from The Pontiac Celebration Show that is being held in RI in September. Please join us at that show. Check out the Pontiac Celebration Show thread in General Chat or the Event page or go to for information in the calendar section........September 19 - 21, 2014.
Again, we thank everyone for coming today and The Fiero Store for inviting NEFA to have our annual swap meet at their spacious location. Fiero people are the best!